Meals on a Loveseat

Meals on a Loveseat
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

COOK - 法式咸薄餅 Savoury Crepe with Sundried Tomato, Chili Cheese & Egg



Crepe 皮材料 (我用26cm skillet 可做2塊)

麵粉 60g
鹽 少許
鮮磨黑胡椒 少許
雞蛋 1隻 (打散)
牛奶 150ml
橄欖油 適量
乾牛至 (optional) 1茶匙
紅椒粉 (optional) 少許


雞蛋 1隻
蕃茄乾(Sundried Tomato) 3-4隻 
辣椒軟芝士  30-40g (或任何可溶化的軟芝士)
巴馬臣芝士 裝飾用
意大利芫荽 裝飾用
紅椒粉 裝飾用

1. 一大碗內放入麵粉,鹽和胡椒,我另加入乾牛至和紅椒粉少許去提升我準備了的蕃茄乾餡料的味道。拌勻。另一容器打散雞蛋,加入牛奶拌勻。
2. 將雞蛋牛奶混合物分次倒入麵粉裏,一邊攪勻直至沒有粉粒。放入雪櫃半小時。
3. 這時便可準備餡料。雞蛋置室溫,蕃茄乾切成幼絲,芝士也切成幼絲。
4. 燒熱skillet,加入橄欖油,將一半份量的粉漿倒入,搖勻至變成薄薄的圓形皮,中小火煎約3分鐘,用spatula挑起看看變金黃色便可反轉。(鹹的皮可燒一點點焦,若做甜的便一直用小火煎至皮熟透) 
5. 反轉皮後便可加材料,先將四邊往內摺變成正方型。在中間打一隻蛋,圍著蛋周邊灑上蕃茄乾絲及辣椒軟芝士,再蓋上蓋焗一會等芝士溶化。
6. 最後在表面加一點鮮磨黑胡椒和紅椒粉,再灑一點點巴馬臣芝士和意大利芫荽便成。


C'est délicieux, n'est-ce pas?

Savoury Crepe with Sundried Tomato, Chili Cheese & Egg

For the Crepe (2 pieces if using a 26cm skillet)
60g All-purpose Flour
Sea Salt
Ground Pepper
1 Egg (beaten)
150ml Milk
Olive Oil
Oregano (optional) 1 tsp
Paprika (optional) a pinch


1 Egg
Sundried Tomato 3-4 (sliced into thin strips)
30-40g Chili Cheese (Or any kind of soft cheese i.e. Mozzarella)
Ground Pepper 
Parmesan for garnish
Italian Parsley for garnish
Paprika for garnish

1. In a big bowl, place flour, salt and pepper and mix well. (I added oregano and paprika to enhance the flavour of my sundried tomato fillings). In another container, beat 1 egg and put milk in it, stir well. 
2. Pour milk and egg mixture into the flour in a few batches, stir consistently until there is no lumps. Place in the fridge for about half an hour. 
3. Meanwhile, you can prepare the fillings. Let the egg come to room temperature, slice the sundried tomatoes and cheese. 
4. Heat the skillet with some olive oil, pour half the batter in it, shake well to make a round crepe with even thickness. Fry over medium-low heat for about 3 minutes, use a spatula to check if the bottom is gold brown. (For savoury crepes, you can make the crepe a bit toasted. If you are making sweet crepes, use low heat and fry until cooked). Flip the crepe. 
5. Once you flipped the crepe, you can add the fillings in it. First, flip the sides of the circle to make it becomes a square crepe. Crack an egg in the middle and place sundried tomato slices and cheese around the yolk. Cover and cook until the cheese melted. 
6. Sprinkle some fresh ground pepper and paprika and garnish with parmesan and Italian Parsley. Serve directly on the skillet or on a big round plate. 

You are free to change the fillings to what you have on hand, like ham and cheese, or spinach and egg...etc. 

C'est délicieux, n'est-ce pas?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

COOK - "無水蒸" 蔬菜鍋 Steamed Veggies in Cast Iron Pot



做這個鍋,我用了20cm的鑄鐵鍋及以下材料 (2人份):
蒜頭 3瓣 (拍散)
洋蔥 1/2個 (切半)
新薯 4粒 (切半或1/4,約一口大小)
小紅蘿蔔 1條 (去皮,切一口大小)
苣蒻 9粒一口大小
意大利青瓜 (zucchini) 3/4大條 (連皮切不規則一口狀)
串茄  1串
沙律芥蘭葉 少許

海鹽 適量
煎炒用橄欖油 適量
鮮磨黑胡椒 適量
初搾橄欖油 適量

1. 新薯切好後灑上海鹽包著表面 (蒸時不容易散開)
2. 在鍋內加入煎炒用橄欖油,爆香蒜頭,加入新薯和小紅蘿蔔,使表面都沾上油份,就可以開始順序放入其他材料了
3. 比較少水份及難熟的放在底部 (如已加入的新薯和小紅蘿蔔),接著放洋蔥,苣蒻和意大利青瓜,串茄放在最頂部。(不用下芥蘭葉,因為是沙律菜,1分鐘便熟)
4. 蓋上鍋蓋,先開中大火5-8分鐘,之後轉細火15分鍾,最後加入芥蘭葉焗1-2分鐘。
5. 重點是中途不要攪動,讓蔬菜自己的水份蒸發再利用鑄鐵鍋重重的鍋蓋將水份滴下,循環自煮,那精華便全在煲內。
6. 最後加少許海鹽和鮮磨黑胡椒調味,再繞一圈初搾橄欖油便成。亦可加上香草如迷迭香或百里香,但我喜歡原味多一點,不想香草搶去各種蔬菜的風頭。

原煲上又美又可保溫。洋蔥超甜,zucchini 和 tomato 多汁鮮味。


Steamed Veggies in Cast Iron Pot (used 20cm pot, serves 2)

3 cloves Garlic (crushed)
1/2 Onion (halved)
4 New Potatoes (halved or 1/4, mouthful pieces) 
1 Small Carrot (peeled, mouthful pieces) 
9 Konjac (mouthful pieces) 
3/4 Big Zucchini (with skin and cut into mouthful pieces) 
1 branch of Cherry Tomatoes 
A small bunch of Kale

Sea Salt
Olive Oil for sautee
Ground Pepper
Extra Virgin Olive OIl

1. Season the sliced new potatoes with salt, so that they won't break easily when steaming
2. In the cast iron pot, add oil to sautée the garlic, then new potatoes and carrots. 
3. Then add the vegetables according to their amount of moist. Those with less moist like potatoes and carrots will be put at the bottom, then onion, konjac and zucchini. Place tomatoes at the very top. (Leave the kale till the end, as it can be ready by steaming for 1 minute or so) 
4. Cover, and cook for 5-8 minutes over medium-high heat, then turn to low heat for 15 minutes. Add kale at the end and cover to let the steam cook it for 1-2 minutes.
5. The key is to NOT stirring during the whole process. Let the cast iron pot do the work, using its uniqueness of retaining moisture and allow the juices of the veggies to vaporize within the pot. 
6. Add sea salt and ground pepper and drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and serve in the pot. You can add a sprig of rosemary or thyme to add flavor and aroma, but I prefer it straight to taste the sweetness of the veggies.

Since the doneness of each vegetable is different, if you do not put potatoes in it, but asparagus, broccoli, beans, okra...etc, the total time can be limited to 10-13 minutes. The key is to put vegetables with less moist at the bottom and those with more juice at the top, and do not stir during the process. 

Hope you enjoy this Green dish! 

在東京吃過類似的 Something I had a few years ago back in Tokyo