有日因事要去長沙灣,路過一個小小菜檔,種類唔多,有些本地種的蔬果,樣子不美麗,但新鮮。在可以嘅情況下,我都希望幫襯小店當對本地小生意的支持。價錢很平,買了幾種菜,蕃茄都買了兩袋。返屋企試吃了一個蕃茄,有點青青的味道,不太好吃,就聯想到用來做汁最好。One leads to another,就諗到自己整個港式焗豬扒飯食喇。
港式焗豬扒飯 (2人份)
豬扒 4塊
糖 2茶匙
白胡椒粉 2茶匙
鹽 2 茶匙
豆粉 1湯匙
蕃茄 5個 (4個做汁, 1個開四備用)
洋蔥 ½ 個 (切成小片)
蕃茄膏 1湯匙
糖 2茶匙
鹽 1茶匙
巴馬臣芝士碎 適量
雞蛋 2隻
冷飯 2碗
1. 用刀背將豬扒拍鬆,將豬扒跟調味料混合好,放入雪櫃醃半小時。
2. 製作鮮蕃茄汁要先將蕃茄去皮。方法是煲一煲滾水,用刀將蕃茄底部𠝹一個十字,放入滾水內,2分鐘左右皮就會翻起來,這時隔水放涼才除去蕃茄皮。
3. 將去皮蕃茄切成小粒,放入小煲內煮滾,然後收慢火開蓋煮約30分鐘。剩下的一個蕃茄開4份,洋蔥切小片,加入蕃茄汁內再煮5分鐘。加入蕃茄膏及糖,鹽 調味。
4. 準備炒飯。燒熱煎鍋下油,打入2隻蛋,不斷攪拌至凝固變成細片。放入飯拌勻及炒至飯鬆散成一粒粒,下鹽及胡椒調味。將飯放入焗爐耐熱容器內。
5. 用 Airfryer 200ºC 7 分鐘將豬扒烤熟至金黃色。取出切件,放上飯面。將步驟3的蕃茄汁倒上面。加上幾片巴馬臣芝士在頂。
6. 預熱焗爐至180ºC, 放入整個豬扒飯,焗約 5 分鐘或直至芝士溶化。
原盤上桌,熱辣辣的 港式焗豬扒飯完成!
Pork Chop with Fried Rice in Tomato Sauce Hong Kong-Style
The Pork
4 Pork Chops
2 tsp Sugar
2 tsp White Pepper
2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Corn Starch
1-2 tbsp Water
The Sauce
5 Tomatoes (4 skinless for sauce, 1 for garnish)
½ Onion (chopped to small squares)
1 tbsp Tomato Paste
2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
Chopped Parmesan Cheese
The Fried Rice
2 Eggs
2 Bowls of Old Rice
1. Use the back of a knife to tenderize the pork chops. Mix the marinade and rub through the pork shops, let sit in the fridge for half an hour.
2. To make the sauce, boil a pot of hot water. Use a knife to slice a cross at the bottom of each of 4 tomatoes, set aside the extra one. Place the 4 tomatoes in the boiling hot water, after 2 minutes you’ll see the skins start peeling. Drain and let cool, then peel off the skins of the tomatoes.
3. Finely chop the skinless tomatoes into small dices, place in a saucepan. Once it starts boiling, turn to low heat and let simmer for 30 minutes. Cut the remaining tomato into 4 slices, and dice the onion. Add to the tomato sauce and cook for another 5 minutes, add tomato paste, season with salt and sugar to taste.
4. For the fried rice, in a hot pan, heat some oil and crack 2 eggs, stirring consistently until the eggs are set and become small pieces, add rice and stir well. Cook until rice is hot. Season with salt and pepper if needed. Place the rice in an oven-safe dish.
5. Use an airfryer to cook the pork chop at 200ºC for 7 minutes. Once ready, slice into strips and place on top of the rice. Pour the tomato sauce in Step 3 on top and add a few slices of parmesan cheese as garnish.
6. Place the whole oven-safe dish into the oven that has been preheated to 180ºC, bake for 5 minutes or until cheese are melted and dish is hot.
7. Serve hot directly on the dish.
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