投資了Airfryer,當然要用盡佢,用到回本為止。Airfryer 其一大好處就是可短時間高温烹調食物,做脆皮鹹豬手就又快又乾手淨腳。
胡椒粒 2湯匙
月桂葉 4片
水 一大煲(可蓋過豬手)
白醋 3湯匙
急凍鹹豬手 1隻(先解凍)
黑啤 1-2罐
百里香 4支
胡椒粒 2湯匙
月桂葉 4片
水 一大煲(可蓋過豬手)
白醋 3湯匙
急凍鹹豬手 1隻(先解凍)
黑啤 1-2罐
百里香 4支
1. 於一大煲內放入胡椒粒,月桂葉和水煲滾。將預先解凍好的鹹豬手放入,等水再次滾至沸騰後熄火。加入白醋拌勻,蓋上鍋蓋靜置6-9小時。(浸後的豬皮會變淺色,然後油脂會留在水內。)
2. 拿起豬手,將它浸入黑啤內,與此同時用义在豬皮上插很多洞(就想像它是你的仇人狂插就是!!!)讓它在黑啤內浸泡半小時。留起黑啤。
3. 讓豬手在雪櫃內風乾數小時。(不需蓋保鮮紙,直接垂直放入雪櫃內抽走濕氣)
4. 預熱Airfryer 200ºC 3分鐘。這時拿起豬手,在表面加上百里香的葉。
5. 將豬手放入Airfryer,200ºC 15分鐘,中途打開在表皮塗一點黑啤。15分鐘後反轉再塗黑啤,再次 200ºC 焗15分鐘。拿出來豬手應該會呈金啡色,脆卜卜!(豬手的大小不同,時間上可能需作出調教。)
** 如果沒有Airfryer,用焗爐都一樣做到,同樣是200ºC上下火,將豬手垂直放,大約焗45分鐘左右吧,只要皮變成金黃色便可。
4. 預熱Airfryer 200ºC 3分鐘。這時拿起豬手,在表面加上百里香的葉。
5. 將豬手放入Airfryer,200ºC 15分鐘,中途打開在表皮塗一點黑啤。15分鐘後反轉再塗黑啤,再次 200ºC 焗15分鐘。拿出來豬手應該會呈金啡色,脆卜卜!(豬手的大小不同,時間上可能需作出調教。)
** 如果沒有Airfryer,用焗爐都一樣做到,同樣是200ºC上下火,將豬手垂直放,大約焗45分鐘左右吧,只要皮變成金黃色便可。
酸菜是由椰菜切幼絲再加入鹽, 放入容器內自行發酵的產物,由於椰菜發酵所以會變酸,含有益的天然益新菌,可幫助腸道蠕動 (你明我講乜啦!) 其實做這個酸菜的原理和大家熟識的韓國Kimchi是一樣,只是醃料上Kimchi加了辣椒。
酸菜是由椰菜切幼絲再加入鹽, 放入容器內自行發酵的產物,由於椰菜發酵所以會變酸,含有益的天然益新菌,可幫助腸道蠕動 (你明我講乜啦!) 其實做這個酸菜的原理和大家熟識的韓國Kimchi是一樣,只是醃料上Kimchi加了辣椒。
椰菜 1個 (~1kg)
鹽 1.5湯匙
大闊口玻璃瓶 (~2L或更大)
石春 5-10粒
蒸布 1塊
橡筋 1條
1. 椰菜去梗,留下兩塊大葉,其他切成幼絲,放入一大碗內。加入鹽,用手將鹽massage入椰菜內,約10分鐘後椰菜便會出水。
2. 隔掉水份將椰菜絲放入玻璃瓶內,盡量壓實在底。在椰菜絲最頂部放上大椰菜葉,一塊向下蓋著椰菜絲,一塊向上。然後放入石春壓在椰菜面,務求令椰菜絲不要彈起一直壓實在底部。
3. 在瓶口蓋上蒸布並用橡筋緊繫著瓶口。放置在12-18ºC的陰暗乾燥環境內發酵約3天至10天。在頭一天,每隔幾小時可攪動一下椰菜直至見到液體蓋過椰菜表面。3天後可試味是否你喜歡的味道,若喜歡酸一點可再發酵久一點。
4. 當發酵至你喜歡的程度,便可拿去蒸布,蓋上蓋放在雪櫃內,隨時拿出來吃。
Pork Knuckle with Apple Sauerkraut
2 tbsp Peppercorn
4 pcs Bay Leaves
Big pot of water enough to cover the Pork Knuckle
3 tbsp Vinegar
1 Frozen Pork Knucle (thawed)
1-2 Cans Black Beer (Dark Lager Beer)
4 sprigs of Thyme
4 pcs Bay Leaves
Big pot of water enough to cover the Pork Knuckle
3 tbsp Vinegar
1 Frozen Pork Knucle (thawed)
1-2 Cans Black Beer (Dark Lager Beer)
4 sprigs of Thyme
1. Put peppercorn and bay leaves to a big pot of boiling water. Add pork knuckle and wait until it comes to a boil again, add vinegar and turn off the heat. Cover and let sit for 6-9 hours.
2. Drain the pork knuckle, soak it in the black beer. Meanwhile, use a fork to poke the pork skin and let it soak in the black beer for half an hour. Retain the black beer.
3. Air dry the pork knuckle in the fridge for a few hours.
4. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes. Spread thyme leaves on the surface of the pork.
5. Put the pork knuckle in the Airfryer at 200ºC for 15 minutes, open the rack midway and brush black beer on the surface. Then flip the pork knuckle and brush the other side with black beer again, cook at 200ºC for another 15 minutes. When it's done, the skin should be nice and brown and crispy. (Cooking time varies depending on the size of the pork knuckle, please make the required adjustment).
** If you do not have an Airfryer, the pork knuckle can be roasted in an oven. Place the pork knuckle in a baking sheet vertically, use top and bottom heat at 200ºC and cook for about 45 minutes or until skin is browned.
4. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes. Spread thyme leaves on the surface of the pork.
5. Put the pork knuckle in the Airfryer at 200ºC for 15 minutes, open the rack midway and brush black beer on the surface. Then flip the pork knuckle and brush the other side with black beer again, cook at 200ºC for another 15 minutes. When it's done, the skin should be nice and brown and crispy. (Cooking time varies depending on the size of the pork knuckle, please make the required adjustment).
** If you do not have an Airfryer, the pork knuckle can be roasted in an oven. Place the pork knuckle in a baking sheet vertically, use top and bottom heat at 200ºC and cook for about 45 minutes or until skin is browned.
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