走地雞 1隻
小辣椒 10+隻 (切粒)
花椒 1茶匙
蔬菜油 60ml
麻油 1湯匙
黃糖 1茶匙
醬油 3湯匙
蒜頭 3瓣 (切碎)
芝麻 1湯匙
芫荽 1束 (取葉,撕碎)
1. 走地雞隔水蒸熟,約30分鐘。放涼,去骨切件放上碟。
2. 準備一隻鑊,燒熱放入辣椒,花椒,蔬菜油及麻油,以中小火煮至變成辣椒油。
3. 關火後加入黃糖,醬油和蒜頭拌勻。喜歡的話這時可加入額外的新鮮辣椒以增添風味。放涼。
4. 當辣椒油變涼後,加入芝麻及芫荽拌勻,將醬汁淋在雞件上即成。
Sichuan Spicy Chicken
1 Free Range Chicken
10+ Chili Peppers (diced)
1 tsp Chinese Red Pepper
60ml Vegetable Oil
1tbsp Sesame Oil
1tsp Brown Sugar
3tbsp Soy Sauce
3 cloves Garlic (chopped)
1tbsp Sesame Seeds
1bunch Coriander (leaves only)
1. Steam the chicken for roughly 30 minutes until fully cooked. Let cool, debone and chop into mouthful pieces and serve on a plate.
2. Heat up a wok, add chili peppers, Chinese red pepper, vegetable oil and sesame oil. Cook over medium-low heat until it becomes chili oil.
3. Turn off the heat and add brown sugar, soy sauce and garlic, stir well. Now you can add additional freshly diced chili pepper to it to enhance the flavor. Let cool.
4. When the chili oil is cooled down, stir in sesame seeds and corriander, mix well and pour on top of the chicken to serve.