Meals on a Loveseat

Meals on a Loveseat
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Saturday, July 4, 2015

COOK - 西班牙風乾腸炒四色鮮蔬菜粒 4-colored Veggies with Chorizo and Eggs

Weekend brunch 最鐘意食多菜少肉,除了一般蛋類菜式,可試用新鮮瓜菜炒粒粒,不同顏色蔬菜有不同營養成份,多些顏色更健康。


西班牙風乾腸炒四色鮮蔬菜粒 (2人份)

橄欖油  少許
西班牙風乾腸 1/3條 (切粒)
茄子  半條 (切粒)
意大利青瓜  半條 (切粒)
翠玉瓜  半條 (切粒) 
蕃茄  1個 (切粒)
紅椒  1/2個 (切粒)
百里香 3-4支 (取葉)
雞蛋 2隻
鹽  適量 (不必太多,西班牙風乾腸已有鹹味)
鮮磨黑胡椒  適量
紅椒粉  少許
* 我是用我雪櫃內有的剩菜,本來想買黃色的意大利青瓜取代這裡的翠玉瓜,可是買不到。所以繼續說我的煮食格言,不必拘泥於已知的做法,發揮創意才會有意外驚喜。

1. 煎鍋(我用26 skillet)內加一點橄欖油,先將西班牙風乾腸炒香至油份釋出,放入其他蔬菜同炒。加入百里香,鹽,鮮磨黑胡椒和紅椒粉炒至蔬菜熟透。(不必加水,蔬菜內有水份,吃時才原汁原味)

2. 蔬菜炒熟,鑊仍然熱燙的時候打入2隻雞蛋,不要攪動,讓它在熱鍋內燒約2分鐘,離火,原鍋上桌拌勻,唔客氣喇!

4-colored Veggies with Chorizo and Eggs (Serves 2)

A little Olive Oil
1/3 Chorizo (diced)
1/2 Eggplant (diced)
1/2 Zucchini (diced)
1/2 Chinese Zucchini (diced) 
1 Tomato (diced)
1/2 Bell Pepper(diced)
3-4 sprigs of Thyme (leaves)
2 Eggs
Salt (As Chorizo is seasoned, a little is enough)
Black Pepper
* I made this dish by using whatever vegetables are left in my fridge. I wanted to use squash instead of Chinese zucchini but couldn't find it in the supermarket. So, as I have always said, cooking has no limits, sometimes creativity will surprise you.

1. Heat olive oil in skillet(mine is 26cm), pan fry the chorizo until aromatic, add all the diced vegetables. Season with thyme, salt, pepper and paprika, fry until the vegetables are cooked, around 8 minutes. (Many like to add water when cooking vegetables, I tell you what, it's not needed, these vegetables have moist in them, please do not dilute the nice juicy freshness).  
2. When the vegetables are cooked, crack 2 eggs and leave them in the heated pan for 2 minutes. Serve directly on skillet and scramble the eggs, they become nice and smooth to go with the smoky chorizo and crunchy veggies. You can also serve this dish with tortilla, it's nice to share! 

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