天氣突然轉涼,登時很想吃些暖笠笠的食物,那煲仔飯必定是wish list 之一了!
Time management做得好的話,做這個煲仔飯前後也不需半小時,名乎其實快、靚、正!
芋頭 ~300g (切小粒)
雞脾肉 1塊 (切小粒)
鹽 1/2茶匙
糖 1/2茶匙
麻油 2茶匙
白胡椒粉 少許
蠔油 1湯匙
豆粉 1湯匙
水 2湯匙
蝦乾 ~10隻 (浸好)
青蔥 1條 (切粒)
1. 雞脾肉切粒,大小跟芋頭粒差不多。用鹽,糖,麻油,白胡椒粉,蠔油,豆粉和水醃好。加入蝦乾。
2. 米在鑄鐵鍋內洗淨浸好,用中火煲至水滾蓋邊冒煙。
3. 與此同時在另一煎鍋內燒熱油,放入芋頭粒,中小火炒至表面金黃。
4. 當鑄鐵鍋水滾蓋邊冒煙時,將芋頭倒入米飯上,蓋回鍋蓋,轉小火煮約12分鐘。
5. 在步驟3的同一煎鍋內燒熱油,放入雞肉粒和蝦乾炒熟,倒入鑄鐵鍋內的米飯上,關火焗8分鐘。
6. 最後灑上青蔥粒,上桌。
《Taro & Chicken Rice in Pot》(Serves 2 in a 18cm Cast Iron Pot)
~300g Taro (diced)
1 Chicken Thigh (diced)
1/2tsp Salt
1/2tsp Sugar
2tsp Sesame Oil
White Pepper Powder
1tbsp Oyster Sauce
1tbsp Corn Starch
2tbsp Water
~10 Dried Shrimp (soaked and drained)
1 Green Onion (diced)
1. Marinate the diced chicken with salt, sugar, sesame oil, white pepper, oyster sauce, corn starch and water, mix well. Add the dried shrimp.
2. Wash and soak the rice in a cast iron pot, cook over medium heat until steam emits.
3. While the rice is cooking, heat frying pan with some oil, fry the diced taro until surface golden.
4. Once steam emits from the cast iron pot, pour fried taro on top, cover and turn to low heat and cook for about 12 minutes.
5. Using the same frying pan in Step 3, add oil and fry the chicken and dried shrimp until cooked. Pour onto the rice of the cast iron pot, cover and turn off heat and let rest for 8 minutes.
6. Garnish with green onions and serve directly in the pot.
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