一般的Bechamel Sauce 是用牛奶,牛油和麵粉製成,但因為我用栗子做底已可令醬汁有一點杰,所以我棄用牛油和面粉,改為用忌廉,牛奶,栗子和其他香料作醬汁。
栗子忌廉海鮮批 Seafood Pie in Chestnut Bechamel Sauce
忌廉 120ml
牛奶 50ml
栗子 10粒 (去殼去衣)
原粒黑椒 1/2茶匙
紅洋蔥 1/4個 (或用2粒紅蔥頭代替)
意大利芫荽 2條
月桂葉 1片
海鹽 1茶匙
魚塊 1塊 (可用Halibut, Cod, Haddock,切成一口大少)
蝦 6隻 (去腸去殼留尾)
急凍廣島蠔 6隻
蛋 1隻 (打散)
急凍菠菜 少許 (解凍)
急凍酥皮 1塊
For the Chestnut Bechamel Sauce:
120ml Cream
50ml Milk
10 Chestnuts (deshelled)
1/2 tsp Whole Black Pepper
1/4 Red Onion (Or replaced by 2 shallots)
2 sprigs Italian Parsley
1 Bay Leaf
1 tsp Sea Salt
Other Ingredients:
1 Piece of Fish (Can be Halibut, Cod or Haddock,cut into mouthful pieces)
6 Shrimp (deveined, peeled, tails on)
6 Hiroshima Frozen Oysters
1 Egg (Beatened)
A Handful of Frozen Spinach (defrosted)
1 Frozen Puff Pastry
Place the ingredients of the chesnut bechamel sauce in a stock pot, cook over low heat until chestnuts are softened.
2. 同時把魚沾上鹽及蛋汁,放入煎鍋煎香。
Meanwhile, season the fish pieces with salt and cover with the egg, pan fry till golden.
3. 利用手提攪拌器把醬汁打滑。
By using a hand blender, blend the sauce until smooth.
4. 將蝦及蠔放入醬汁內煮熟。
Place shrimp and oysters in the sauce, boil until cooked.
5. 煎好的魚塊放入18cm橢圓焗批盤內。
Place the fish pieces in an 18cm oval pie dish.
6. 再把醬汁連同蝦,蠔和菠菜倒入。
Pour the chestnut sauce together with the shrimp and oysters, add defrosted spinach.
7. 急凍酥皮放室溫5分鐘解凍,蓋在焗批盤上,按壓碗邊黏好,剪走多餘部份。
Place puff pastry in room temperature for 5 minutes to defrost. Cover on the pie dish, press onto the sides and trim.
8. 可隨意在酥皮上輕輕𠝹上花紋,再掃上蛋汁。
Brush the surface with egg mixture.
9. 放入已預熱180ºC 的Airfryer內,焗6分鐘至表面金黃。
Place the pie dish into Airfryer which has been preheated to 180ºC, bake for 6 minutes until puff pastry is golden.
10. 熱辣辣的栗子汁海鮮批完成。
A fluffy hot seafood pie in chestnut bechamel sauce is ready!