Meals on a Loveseat

Meals on a Loveseat
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

COOK - 金鑲玉如意 (蝦膠釀蓮藕) Shrimp Paste in Lotus Root

“金鑲玉如意” 係咪覺得好富貴又吉祥呢?



金鑲玉如意 (蝦膠釀蓮藕) 

蓮藕 1條 (約280g)
蝦膠 ~80g
粟粉 少許
海鹽 少許
唧袋 1個

Shrimp Paste in Lotus Root

1 Lotus Root (~280g) (peeled and washed)
~80g Shrimp Paste
Sea Salt
1 Piping Bag

1. 蓮藕去皮洗淨,準備一個整蛋糕用的唧袋。(無得話用密實袋都可以,將蝦膠向一隻角放入)
Peel and wash the lotus root. Prepare a piping bag. (or you can use a zip-up bag, place the shrimp paste to one corner of the bag)

2. 將蝦膠放入唧袋內,盡量將氣推出,令蝦膠聚到最尖端位置。斜斜剪一隻小角。將唧袋放入蓮藕的窿窿內唧滿,返轉,同樣地使全部窿窿都填滿蝦膠。
Place the shrimp paste into the piping bag, try to squeeze air out and let the shrimp paste to get the the tip of the piping bag. Cut the tip of the bag diagonally, place the tip into the holes of the lotus root and squeeze the shrimp paste inside. Turn to the other end and do the same, making sure that all the holes are filled up with the shrimp paste.

3. 放入雪櫃雪半小時使蝦膠定型。取出切片,各面灑上粟粉,放入煎鍋下油煎至蝦肉變橙色,蓮藕呈半透明,最後灑上海鹽即可。如家中有氣炸鍋Air fryer的朋友,我相信效果也會很好!
Place in the fridge for half an hour to set. Cut them into thin slices, sprinkle cornstarch on all side. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry until the shrimp paste turned slight orange, lotus root turned translucent. Sprinkle with sea salt to serve. If you have an Air Frying, I believe it will be as well delicious cooking it that way.

COOK - 減肥首選好鬼多菜雜菜湯 Healthy Hearty and Full of Goodness Minestrone


相片材料與真實份量不同,純萃覺得靚啲 :)
Actual proportion of ingredients is different from this image

好鬼多菜雜菜湯 (3L)

蒜頭 3瓣 (拍散)
洋蔥 1個 (切大片)
紅蘿蔔 2條 (去皮切1cm厚片)
車喱茄 20+粒 (切半)
椰菜 半個 (切大片)
薯仔 1大個 (去皮切粒)
西芹 1條 (切大片)
雞湯** 500ml
水 2L
茄膏 2湯匙
鹽 少許


1. 將以上材料切好準備好
2. 大湯鍋內加1湯匙橄欖油,中火將蒜頭和洋蔥爆香,然後加入紅蘿蔔,車喱茄,椰菜,薯仔和西芹 (認真減肥人士就油都唔落,直接將所有材料放入鍋內)
3. 倒入雞湯和水,煲至大滾後轉細火煲2小時。
4. 最後加入茄膏再大滾多15分鐘,加鹽調味即成。


Healthy Hearty and Full of Goodness Minestrone (Makes 3L)

3 Cloves Garlic (crushed)
1 Onion (cut into big pieces)
2 Carrots (peeled and sliced)
20+Cherry Tomatoes (halved)
1/2 Cabbage (cut into big chunks)
1 Big Potato (peeled and cubed)
1 Celery (sliced)
500ml Chicken Stock**
2L Water
2 tbsp Tomato Paste
Salt for tasting

(**Vegetarian or people who are serious on their diet can replace chicken stock with water)

1. Clean, cut and prepare all the above ingredients
2. In a big pot, heat 1 tbsp olive oil, fry garlic and onion over medium heat until aroma develops. Add carrots, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes and celery. (Serious dieter can skip the olive oil and frying process, simply throw all the ingredients into the pot)
3. Fill the pot with chicken stock and water, turn to high heat and let boil. Once boiling, reduce to low heat and cook for 2 hours. 
4. Add tomato paste and stir well, turn to high heat and let boil for another 15 minutes. Add salt to taste and serve. 

I wish you a Perfect Curvy Body Shape!! :D

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

COOK - 煙燻素鵝 Tea-Smoked Soy Beancurd Veggie Rolls


This Peking appetizer dish can rarely be found in Hong Kong nowadays, probably due to its complication in the cooking and smoking process, and restaurants can't charge much on a vegetarian dish like this. Well, it's one of my favourites in Peking cuisine and I try to make it myself in my own way (that is trial and error) using the memory of my taste buds.


紅蘿蔔  2小條 (刨幼絲)
鮮冬菇  6隻 (切幼絲)
鮮木耳  3大塊 (切幼絲)
腐竹  4大塊 (整腐竹白果糖水嗰種)
水 100ml
醬油 1湯匙
味醂 2湯匙
糖 1湯匙

舊鑊 1隻
錫紙 1大張
茶葉 1湯匙 (浸濕後隔走水份)
乾菊花 1湯匙 (浸濕後隔走水份)
白飯  3湯匙
片糖  半塊 (弄碎)
砂糖  100g

Tea-Smoked Soy Beancurd Veggie Rolls

2 Small Carrots (thinly sliced)
6 Fresh Black Mushrooms (thinly sliced)
3 Black Fungus (thinly sliced)
4 Big Beancurd Sheets
100ml Water
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Mirin
1 tbsp Sugar

Tea-Smoking Equipments & Ingredients
An Old Wok
Aluminium Foil
1 tbsp Tea Leaf (soaked and drained)
1 tbsp Dried Chrysanthemum (soaked and drained)
3 tbsp Rice
1/2 slab Brown Sugar (crushed)
100g Sugar

1. 腐竹放水中浸軟,小心盡量保持原塊
Soak beancurd sheets in water until softened. Be gentle and try not to tear them for easy rolling.

2. 將餡料切好絲
Slice the ingredients

3. 於鍋內加入水,醬油,味醂和糖煮熱,把紅蘿蔔絲煮軟拿起。鮮冬菇和鮮木耳同樣方法製作
In a saucepan, boil water, soy sauce, mirin and sugar. Add carrots and cook until softened, drain and set aside. Do the same to the mushrooms and black fungus.

4. 將腐竹鋪平一層層疊好

Roll and stack the softened beancurd sheets on a flat surface

5. 將一半木耳絲,紅蘿蔔絲和冬菇絲放在底部,預留空間卷起。

Place half of each ingredient at the bottom of the beancurd sheet. Allow some space for rolling.

6. 卷好一圈後切開腐皮多出尾部。同樣方法再將剩餘餡料再做多一卷。

Once you've made one roll, cut the open end of the beancurd sheet. Using the remaining ingredients to make another roll.

7. 用保鮮紙將素鵝緊緊包著定形。
Use cling foil to wrap the rolls so they can keep in shape.

8. 放入冰隔約1小時定形

Place the rolls in the freezer for an hour.

9. 準備煙燻。先在舊鑊上鋪錫紙,再把煙燻材料放入,放上蒸架,將已除去保鮮紙的素鵝放在蒸架上
To prepare for the smoking procedure. First, on a wok, place aluminium foil. Sprinkle all the tea-smoking ingredients on top of the foil, then place a steaming rack on top. Unwrap the rolls and place on top of the rack.

10. 蓋上鑊蓋,大火焗至出白煙便轉中火,燻約10分鐘至素鵝表面變微微啡色,關火繼續焗多3分鐘。取出,切去頭尾不美觀部份,其餘切件上碟即成。

Cover with lid and turn to high heat. Once you see white smoke develops, turn to medium heat and smoke the rolls for around 10 minutes or until you see the surface of the beancurd sheets turning brown. Turn off the heat, remain covered and let the rolls sit in the rack for another 3 minutes. Take the rolls out, cut the uneven ends for better presentation. Slice them into 3cm pieces and serve on a plate. Can be served warm or chilled.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

COOK - 薯仔煮牛肉(肉じゃが) Japanese-Style Braised Beef with Potatoes

但若已交往了一段時間,最溫馨就是在家煮幾道菜。 而調查發現"男人最想女友做的10道菜"TOP 3,就是薯仔煮牛肉(肉じゃが) 了。日本女仔通常第一次煮飯俾男友食,就學整呢個喇!因為易做又美味,又能帶給他媽媽的味道和家的感覺, 煮得好食,食飽求婚都話唔定☺


北海道男爵薯仔  4個 (去皮,切半)
洋蔥  1/2個(切成1cm闊片)
紅蘿蔔 1小條(去皮,切不規則形狀,大小和薯仔差不多)
水 200ml
火鍋 牛肉薄片 200g
片裝苣蒻  半塊(搣成一口大小)
荷蘭豆 3片 (裝飾用)
醬油 2湯匙
味醂 1湯匙
料理酒 1湯匙
糖  1-1/2湯匙

1. 將薯仔,洋蔥和紅蘿蔔都切好。煎鍋燒熱下1湯匙油,將薯仔,洋蔥和紅蘿蔔放入炒香,使油都蓋在材料表面。加入牛肉片炒至粉紅色時就放入200ml水,當中的1湯匙醬油,味醂,料理酒和糖,加蓋煮滾。
2. 煮滾後開蓋會見到一些肉的油脂和泡沫浮在表面,用勺拿走。轉為中小火,加入苣蒻和剩下的1湯匙醬油和1/2湯匙糖,開蓋繼續煮至湯汁只剩下原來的一半,最後放入荷蘭豆,當煮至翠綠便可全部上碟。

Japanese-Style Braised Beef with Potatoes (Niku-Jyaga)

4 Hokkaido Potatoes (Peeled and halved)
1/2 Onion (Cut into 1cm Strips)
1 Small Carrot (Peeled, Cut into irregular shapes with the size similar to the potatoes)
200ml Water
200g Beef Ribs Slices
1/2 pack Konjac (tear into mouthful pieces)
3 Green Peas (for garnish)
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Mirin
1 tbsp Cooking Wine
1-1/2 tbsp Sugar

1. Prepare the potatoes, onion and carrots. In a pan, heat 1 tbsp oil and pan fry the vegetables until their surface are covered with oil. Add beef slices and pan fry till pink, add 200ml water, and 1tbsp of Soy Sauce, mirin, cooking wine and sugar. Cover and let boil.
2. Once boiling, you will see some fat and meat juice floating on the surface, use a ladle to take them away. Turn to medium-low heat, add konjac and the remaining 1 tbsp soy sauce and 1/2 tbsp sugar, cook until the sauce reduced to half. Add green peas and cook until it becomes bright green and serve. 
*You might find this tradition Japanese flavoured dish a bit sweet, you can adjust the amount of soy sauce and sugar to your own taste. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

COOK - “滋滋聲”嘅鉄板薯仔西班牙腸芝士蛋 Chorizo Harsh Brown with Egg and Cheese

當年係高級嘢嚟㗎,唔係成日可以去食!最鍾意係食鐵板餐成個過程,先係有塊牛樣鐵板送上檯面,我就拿起塊餐巾遮住自己個樣(細個唔知係用嚟遮住件衫怕彈污糟 ;p),侍應就淋啲汁上塊鐵板“滋滋聲”,我就喺塊餐巾邊攝個頭去望吓!呢個過程令我對鐵板有情意結,所以有日走去上海街貢吓見到有得賣就買咗幾塊唔同size,喺屋企都可以“滋滋聲”!

“滋滋聲”嘅鉄板薯仔西班牙腸芝士蛋 (一人份)

北海道男爵薯仔  1個
西班牙腸* (Chorizo) 4片 - 每片1厘米厚,再切粒
雞蛋 1隻
Provolone 芝士(或任何會溶的芝士都得) 少許
蕃芫荽乾  適量
鮮磨黑胡椒  適量

1. 男爵薯仔去皮,切小粒,用少許鹽拌勻,煮的時候便不易散開,會維持一粒粒。西班牙腸也切成相同大小的小粒。
2. 燒熱鐵板,加1湯匙油,放入薯仔粒,輕輕撈勻讓薯仔表面都沾了油。薯仔煎至表面金黃色,加入西班牙腸粒拌勻讓西班牙腸的香料和油份與薯仔混和,會聞到香氣了!
3. 在鐵板划一個圓形小空位,打入一隻雞蛋,任由蛋白流到薯仔處。加一點點Provolone 芝士在薯仔的位置,再燒熱1-2分鐘至雞蛋半熟,芝士溶掉。
4. 由於薯仔已灑過鹽,西班牙腸也有鹹味,我覺得已很夠味,如有需要,可加鹽調味。在表面灑上蕃芫荽乾及鮮磨黑胡椒,將鐵板放在木座上便食得!熱~熱~熱~ ~ ~

* 西班牙腸是很方便的食材,我雪櫃長期都有。可切薄片直接食作芝士拼盤前菜,炒意粉,做奄列... 只要每次切完足夠份量,抽真空放入雪櫃,可放很久,隨時需要隨時拿出來都可以,好方便。

Chorizo Harsh Brown with Egg and Cheese (Serves 1)

1 Hokkaido Potato (peeled and diced)
4 Slices of Chorizo (Each slice 1cm thick, diced)
1 Egg
Provolone Cheese (or any cheese that melts)
Dried Parsley for garnish
Ground Pepper for garnish

1. Peel and dice the potato, mix the surface with 1/2 tsp salt. 
2. Heat up the iron plate, add 1tbsp oil. Add diced potatoes and stir a bit so that the surface is covered with oil, fry until golden. Add diced chorizo and mix well with the potatoes. 
3. Spare a little space on the iron plate and crack one egg in, allow the white to flow and run into the potatoes. Add cheese to the area where the potatoes are. Heat for another 1-2 minutes until egg is set and cheese is melted. 
4. Season with salt if needed, garnish with dried parsley and ground pepper. Return the iron plate to the wooden board holder and serve sizzling~ ~ ~ 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

COOK - 完美比例十進制升級版蘿蔔糕 Chinese Turnip Cake

之前整過一次傳統蘿蔔糕,屋企個蘿蔔糕怪俾咗8.8分out of 10分。我就覺得自己放得太多料,同埋用太多冬菇水搞到有d深色,味道和質地係ok嘅。所以去完日本outlet抬咗一堆LC戰利品返來後,決定再接再勵,嚟個升級版 - 西班牙黑毛豬Iberico Ham 蘿蔔糕!



白蘿蔔 2條 (連皮約1300g)
蝦乾/蝦米 25g (浸軟,切碎)
瑤柱 4粒 (浸軟,搣碎)
風乾西班牙黑毛豬*  75g (切碎) (*如選用臘味,可用1條臘腸,1/2條潤,少許臘肉)
粘米粉 160g
粟粉 80g
水 430g (蘿蔔水混浸蝦乾瑤柱水)
鹽 2茶匙 (如用臘味,鹽減至1茶匙)
糖 2茶匙
白胡椒粉 1茶匙
白芝麻 適量
蔥花** 適量 (** 蔥花在煎糕的時候才下,否則蘿蔔糕會很易變壞)
# 也可加入冬菇,這個份量約2隻,同樣浸軟,切碎。但留意加了冬菇的蘿蔔糕會很易變壞,必須3天內吃完。

Ingredients: (Good for a 20cm Springform Pan Portion)

2 Turnips (around 1300g skin-on)
25g Dried Shrimp (soaked and finely diced)
4 conpoy (soaked and tear in threads)
75g Iberico Ham* (finely chopped)
160g Rice Flour
80g Corn Starch
430g Water (Retained from the cooking liquid of turnips and the soaking water of dried shrimp and conpoy)
2 tsp Salt (If using Chinese sausages, reduce to 1 tsp salt)
2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp White Pepper Powder
White Sesame Seeds for garnish
Chopped Green Onions for garnish**

*If using Chinese sausages, use 1 dried sausage, 1/2 dried liver sausage and a little dried meat
** Only put chopped green onion when pan-frying or the turnip cake would turn bad easily
# You can also add 3 dried Chinese mushrooms too, soaked and diced. But be cautious that by adding mushrooms, the turnip cake will turn bad easier, you should consume it within 3 days.

做法   STEPS:

Shave or cut the turnips into thin slices

Place the sliced turnips in a pan, boil with 100ml water, then turn to low heat and cook until they become translucent, about 15 minutes.

此時將其他材料切成小粒,瑤柱搣碎。另將粘米粉,粟粉,鹽,糖和白胡椒粉混合好。將蘿蔔絲隔水,留蘿蔔水並將之混合浸蝦乾瑤柱的水共430ml (若不夠可加清水)。將水倒入粉內形成粉漿。
Meanwhile, dice the meat and dried shrimp, and tear the conpoy into threads. In a big bowl, mix rice flour with corn starch, salt, sugar and white pepper. Drain the turnip slices, but saving the cooking liquid and mix with the liquid that soaked the dried shrimp and conpoy, using 430ml of that liquid (use water if there isn't enough) and pour into the flour mix, stir well.

Add 2 tbsp of oil, fry the meat with 3/4 of the dried shrimp and 3/4 of the conpoy until aroma develops. (If using Chinese Sausages, 1 tbsp oil would be enough)

Add the drained turnip slices to the pan and mix well. Reduce heat to medium-low, pour the flour mix into the turnips in 3 batches. Keep stirring and allow them to combine. The batter should be nice and stiff by then.

Oil the inside of a 20cm springform pan, pour the mixture in it. Smear the top to get a flat surface. Garnish with the remaining 1/4 dried shrimp and 1/4 conpoy.

Use a steamer or a wok, boil the water and by using vaporization, steam the turnip cake for around 1 hour 15 minutes. Test it by inserting a chopstick in the middle, if no batter is sticking to the chopstick, it is ready.

Garnish the surface with some sesame seeds, let cool. Store in the fridge for one night, you can slice it and pan fry it the next day.

Cut the turnip cake into 1cm thick slices. Add 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan, using medium-low heat, pan fry both sides until golden brown, garnish with green onions and serve with XO sauce or chilli paste.

另由於家裡廚房太小,也沒有steamer,買了Le Creuset的24cm cocotte連steamer,用電爐蒸了個半鐘都沒有乾水,太好了,不需用鑊蒸要睇火又怕乾水。

Thursday, February 5, 2015

EAT - 日本沖縄 混血兒島豚七輪焼 滿味

本來就没有很喜歡吃豬肉,因為最怕就是吃到不新鮮豬的羶味。可是每次到一個地方旅行就必須吃吃當地的名物,才能體驗到當地的食文化。已是第二次來到沖縄,上次吃過了石垣牛, agu 豬和地鷄後,當然對這裡的豬肉毫無疑慮了。今次來是為了參加一個婚禮,晚上host安排了吃焼豚肉。


我們一行廿多人,點了多個盛り合わせ, 再加豚肉shabu shabu 。


而shabu shabu 的豚肉看上去很肥膩,但煮熟後點ポン酢(醋汁)再加一點點柚子胡椒,入口反覺清新,更顯肉片的軟滑。

再細看やんばる島豚的介紹,原來餵飼的飼料都十分講究,例如豬隻喝的是礦物質豐富的天然水,吃的是mugwort, 蒜頭,海藻,蜜糖和大麥等天然食物,連豬也吃得這麼營養怪不得它的肉也這樣肥瘦均勻,香甜美味。


地點位處於名護市,距離恩納度假村或美ら海 水族館不太遠,如會自駕去沖縄本島北部的話就不要錯過了! 

島豚七輪焼  満味
Tel: 0980-53-5383

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

COOK - 鯛釜めし(港版變東星斑片釜飯)

