“金鑲玉如意” 係咪覺得好富貴又吉祥呢?
金鑲玉如意 (蝦膠釀蓮藕)
蓮藕 1條 (約280g)蝦膠 ~80g
粟粉 少許
海鹽 少許
唧袋 1個
Shrimp Paste in Lotus Root
1 Lotus Root (~280g) (peeled and washed)~80g Shrimp Paste
Sea Salt
1 Piping Bag
1. 蓮藕去皮洗淨,準備一個整蛋糕用的唧袋。(無得話用密實袋都可以,將蝦膠向一隻角放入)
Peel and wash the lotus root. Prepare a piping bag. (or you can use a zip-up bag, place the shrimp paste to one corner of the bag)
2. 將蝦膠放入唧袋內,盡量將氣推出,令蝦膠聚到最尖端位置。斜斜剪一隻小角。將唧袋放入蓮藕的窿窿內唧滿,返轉,同樣地使全部窿窿都填滿蝦膠。
Place the shrimp paste into the piping bag, try to squeeze air out and let the shrimp paste to get the the tip of the piping bag. Cut the tip of the bag diagonally, place the tip into the holes of the lotus root and squeeze the shrimp paste inside. Turn to the other end and do the same, making sure that all the holes are filled up with the shrimp paste.
3. 放入雪櫃雪半小時使蝦膠定型。取出切片,各面灑上粟粉,放入煎鍋下油煎至蝦肉變橙色,蓮藕呈半透明,最後灑上海鹽即可。如家中有氣炸鍋Air fryer的朋友,我相信效果也會很好!
Place in the fridge for half an hour to set. Cut them into thin slices, sprinkle cornstarch on all side. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry until the shrimp paste turned slight orange, lotus root turned translucent. Sprinkle with sea salt to serve. If you have an Air Frying, I believe it will be as well delicious cooking it that way.