當年係高級嘢嚟㗎,唔係成日可以去食!最鍾意係食鐵板餐成個過程,先係有塊牛樣鐵板送上檯面,我就拿起塊餐巾遮住自己個樣(細個唔知係用嚟遮住件衫怕彈污糟 ;p),侍應就淋啲汁上塊鐵板“滋滋聲”,我就喺塊餐巾邊攝個頭去望吓!呢個過程令我對鐵板有情意結,所以有日走去上海街貢吓見到有得賣就買咗幾塊唔同size,喺屋企都可以“滋滋聲”!
“滋滋聲”嘅鉄板薯仔西班牙腸芝士蛋 (一人份)
北海道男爵薯仔 1個
西班牙腸* (Chorizo) 4片 - 每片1厘米厚,再切粒
雞蛋 1隻
Provolone 芝士(或任何會溶的芝士都得) 少許
蕃芫荽乾 適量
鮮磨黑胡椒 適量
1. 男爵薯仔去皮,切小粒,用少許鹽拌勻,煮的時候便不易散開,會維持一粒粒。西班牙腸也切成相同大小的小粒。
2. 燒熱鐵板,加1湯匙油,放入薯仔粒,輕輕撈勻讓薯仔表面都沾了油。薯仔煎至表面金黃色,加入西班牙腸粒拌勻讓西班牙腸的香料和油份與薯仔混和,會聞到香氣了!
3. 在鐵板划一個圓形小空位,打入一隻雞蛋,任由蛋白流到薯仔處。加一點點Provolone 芝士在薯仔的位置,再燒熱1-2分鐘至雞蛋半熟,芝士溶掉。
4. 由於薯仔已灑過鹽,西班牙腸也有鹹味,我覺得已很夠味,如有需要,可加鹽調味。在表面灑上蕃芫荽乾及鮮磨黑胡椒,將鐵板放在木座上便食得!熱~熱~熱~ ~ ~
* 西班牙腸是很方便的食材,我雪櫃長期都有。可切薄片直接食作芝士拼盤前菜,炒意粉,做奄列... 只要每次切完足夠份量,抽真空放入雪櫃,可放很久,隨時需要隨時拿出來都可以,好方便。
Chorizo Harsh Brown with Egg and Cheese (Serves 1)
1 Hokkaido Potato (peeled and diced)
4 Slices of Chorizo (Each slice 1cm thick, diced)
1 Egg
Provolone Cheese (or any cheese that melts)
Dried Parsley for garnish
Ground Pepper for garnish
1. Peel and dice the potato, mix the surface with 1/2 tsp salt.
2. Heat up the iron plate, add 1tbsp oil. Add diced potatoes and stir a bit so that the surface is covered with oil, fry until golden. Add diced chorizo and mix well with the potatoes.
3. Spare a little space on the iron plate and crack one egg in, allow the white to flow and run into the potatoes. Add cheese to the area where the potatoes are. Heat for another 1-2 minutes until egg is set and cheese is melted.
4. Season with salt if needed, garnish with dried parsley and ground pepper. Return the iron plate to the wooden board holder and serve sizzling~ ~ ~
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