咁事實上Hanger Steak 又真係好抵食,是常食到的西冷或肉眼以外的好選擇。
其實在我的食譜書Meals on a Loveseat內都有示範做一味我獨特口味的Hanger Steak,就在125頁啊,未買的快去買啦!海外朋友在amazon也有得買呢! (幫人賣完廣告,幫自己賣返廣告先!)
Hanger Steak 又稱為「屠夫的牛扒」,一般只有約700g重,價錢又賣不貴,所以屠夫都留下來自用。它的部位是牛橫隔膜吊住的那條肉,所以一定要trim好才煎。
剛好那天經過肉店,有Chilled Hanger Steak,我便買了兩條回家。今次轉口味,用Chimichurri Sauce 來配。然後又有人問Chimichurri 是甚麼東東來,好吧,我又介紹一下吧!
Chimichurri Sauce 是一種原自阿根廷的綠色醬汁,主要用來配烤肉的,嗅起來很香蒜和芫荽的味道,吃下去我反而覺得有點中國陝西菜的口味,味道酸酸辣辣的,可中和肉的膩。
Hanger Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
Hanger Steak 1條海鹽 適量
鮮磨黑胡椒 適量
紅椒粉 適量
Chimichurri Sauce
意大利芫荽 1大束 (去梗,只用葉)
乾牛至 1茶匙
蒜頭 2-4瓣
乾紅椒碎 1/2茶匙
紅酒醋 1茶匙
檸檬汁 1/4個
1. 將Hanger Steak放至室溫,吸乾水份。用海鹽,鮮磨黑胡椒及紅椒粉塗滿表面,再用橄欖油包著醃好。(鹽不用太多,吃時配在一起的Chimichurri已調味)
2. 將意大利芫荽的葉卷起切碎。蒜頭也切得細碎。將所有其他的Chimichurri Sauce材料混合拌勻,加入大量的初搾橄欖油,靜置室溫讓香料味道自己調和。
3. 平底鍋燒熱加橄欖油,大火將Hanger Steak 表面燒至微焦,每面約4分鐘,共約8分鐘。放入錫紙內包起,讓牛扒自行吸收肉汁,約5-10分鐘。
4. 這時我便會準備配菜。今次弄了煙肉球芽甘藍,只需簡單的把煙肉切小塊,球芽甘藍切半放入鍋中,利用煙肉的油份炒香球芽甘藍至微焦便成。(煙肉跟球芽甘藍是超配的,球芽甘藍有一點點甘苦,細吃有些像wasabi攻鼻的感覺,用煙肉的鹹味調配,再將表面燒焦是最好吃的)
5. 弄好配菜牛扒便可拿出來切片,內裏Medium rare 便是最好吃的了。Hanger Steak 的特點是太熟會韌,所以不要燒太熟,因早前已放室溫及在錫紙內rest過,就算Medium rare內裏仍能保持暖的。
6. 配菜和牛肉上碟,再將香氣已完全發揮的Chimichurri放上肉面同吃,Bon Appetito!
Hanger Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
1 Hanger SteakSea Salt
Ground Pepper
Chimichurri Sauce
1 Bunch of Italian Parsley (leaves only)
1 tsp Oregano
2-4 cloves Garlic
1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
1 tsp Red Wine Vinegar
Juice of 1/4 Lemon
Sea Salt
Ground Pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1. Place Hanger Steak under room temperature. Use paper towel to absorb its moist. Marinate with salt, pepper and paprika, coat with olive oil for 20 minutes. (It's not necessary to season with too much salt as the Chimichurri is seasoned when served)
2. Roll and finely chop the parsley. And finely chop the garlic too. Mix them with the other ingredients in the chimichurri and add the extra virgin olive oil generously. Allow to rest in room temperature to let the herbs and flavour to blend in.
3. Add olive oil to a hot pan, sear all sides of the hanger steak until slightly burnt over high heat. 4 minutes each side, about 8 minutes total. Wrap it in an aluminium foil and allow it to rest for 5-10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, I would prepare my side dish. This time I made brussels sprouts with bacon. Simply slice the bacon and use its own lard to pan fry the brussels till slightly burnt.
5. Once the side dish is ready, you can take the steak out and slice them. It should be cooked to medium rare to avoid toughness.
6. Place the side dish with the sliced meat on a plate, serve the chimichurri on top of the meat. Bon Appetito!
Did you realize that while one ingredient is resting, you can make use of the time to prepare another ingredient, so no time was wasted and when serving, all ingredients are still warm. Time management in cooking is also a challenge, and that's why I'm loving it!