Meals on a Loveseat

Meals on a Loveseat
最新食譜「美味在一起」現已於各大書店及amazon.com有售 "Meals on a Loveseat" is on sale at HK bookstores and at now


Thursday, May 28, 2015

COOK - 德國鹹豬手配蘋果酸菜 Pork Knuckle with Apple Sauerkraut

投資了Airfryer,當然要用盡佢,用到回本為止。Airfryer 其一大好處就是可短時間高温烹調食物,做脆皮鹹豬手就又快又乾手淨腳。



胡椒粒 2湯匙
月桂葉 4片
水 一大煲(可蓋過豬手)
白醋 3湯匙
急凍鹹豬手 1隻(先解凍)
黑啤 1-2罐
百里香 4支

1. 於一大煲內放入胡椒粒,月桂葉煲滾。將預先解凍好的鹹豬手放入,等水再次滾至沸騰後熄火。加入白醋拌勻,蓋上鍋蓋靜置6-9小時。(浸後的豬皮會變淺色,然後油脂會留在水內。)
2. 拿起豬手,將它浸入黑啤內,與此同時用义在豬皮上插很多洞(就想像它是你的仇人狂插就是!!!)讓它在黑啤內浸泡半小時。留起黑啤。
3. 讓豬手在雪櫃內風乾數小時。(不需蓋保鮮紙,直接垂直放入雪櫃內抽走濕氣)
4. 預熱Airfryer 200ºC 3分鐘。這時拿起豬手,在表面加上百里香的葉。
5. 將豬手放入Airfryer,200ºC 15分鐘,中途打開在表皮塗一點黑啤。15分鐘後反轉再塗黑啤,再次 200ºC 焗15分鐘。拿出來豬手應該會呈金啡色,脆卜卜!(豬手的大小不同,時間上可能需作出調教。)

** 如果沒有Airfryer,用焗爐都一樣做到,同樣是200ºC上下火,將豬手垂直放,大約焗45分鐘左右吧,只要皮變成金黃色便可。

酸菜是由椰菜切幼絲再加入鹽, 放入容器內自行發酵的產物,由於椰菜發酵所以會變酸,含有益的天然益新菌,可幫助腸道蠕動 (你明我講乜啦!) 其實做這個酸菜的原理和大家熟識的韓國Kimchi是一樣,只是醃料上Kimchi加了辣椒。


椰菜 1個 (~1kg)
鹽 1.5湯匙
大闊口玻璃瓶 (~2L或更大)
石春 5-10粒
蒸布 1塊
橡筋 1條

1. 椰菜去梗,留下兩塊大葉,其他切成幼絲,放入一大碗內。加入鹽,用手將massage入椰菜內,約10分鐘後椰菜便會出水。
2. 隔掉水份將椰菜絲放入玻璃瓶內,盡量壓實在底。在椰菜絲最頂部放上大椰菜葉,一塊向下蓋著椰菜絲,一塊向上。然後放入石春壓在椰菜面,務求令椰菜絲不要彈起一直壓實在底部。
3. 在瓶口蓋上蒸布並用橡筋緊繫著瓶口。放置在12-18ºC的陰暗乾燥環境內發酵約3天至10天。在頭一天,每隔幾小時可攪動一下椰菜直至見到液體蓋過椰菜表面。3天後可試味是否你喜歡的味道,若喜歡酸一點可再發酵久一點。
4. 當發酵至你喜歡的程度,便可拿去蒸布,蓋上蓋放在雪櫃內,隨時拿出來吃。


Pork Knuckle with Apple Sauerkraut

2 tbsp Peppercorn
4 pcs Bay Leaves
Big pot of water enough to cover the Pork Knuckle
3 tbsp Vinegar
1 Frozen Pork Knucle (thawed)
1-2 Cans Black Beer (Dark Lager Beer)
4 sprigs of Thyme

1. Put peppercorn and bay leaves to a big pot of boiling water. Add pork knuckle and wait until it comes to a boil again, add vinegar and turn off the heat. Cover and let sit for 6-9 hours. 
2. Drain the pork knuckle, soak it in the black beer. Meanwhile, use a fork to poke the pork skin and let it soak in the black beer for half an hour. Retain the black beer.
3. Air dry the pork knuckle in the fridge for a few hours.
4. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes. Spread thyme leaves on the surface of the pork. 
5. Put the pork knuckle in the Airfryer at 200ºC for 15 minutes, open the rack midway and brush black beer on the surface. Then flip the pork knuckle and brush the other side with black beer again, cook at 200ºC for another 15 minutes. When it's done, the skin should be nice and brown and crispy. (Cooking time varies depending on the size of the pork knuckle, please make the required adjustment). 

** If you do not have an Airfryer, the pork knuckle can be roasted in an oven. Place the pork knuckle in a baking sheet vertically, use top and bottom heat at 200ºC and cook for about 45 minutes or until skin is browned.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

COOK - 用Airfryer做抹茶雪芳蛋糕 Green Tea Chiffon Cake

在櫃頂唔覺意揾到一個Chiffon Cake 模,於是就冒住失敗嘅危險,勇往直前整一個放入AF焗!

By the way, 我的AF是大size,整到5吋模,唔肯定細size放唔放得到,不過我放入去時仲有好多位,應該OK的。(剛收到朋友反映鐵模透氣位高得滯入唔到AF,我用的是紙模,可在$12店或ccsuper買到)


Airfryer 抹茶雪芳蛋糕 (5吋雪芳蛋糕模)

低筋粉 75g 
抹茶粉 12g 
蛋白 3隻
糖 80g (少甜放60g)
蛋黃 3隻
菜油 40ml
水 60ml

1. 低筋粉和抹茶粉拌勻,過篩 。
2. 蛋白放入碗內,用電動打蛋器打至起泡變白色。分3次加入糖繼續打至蛋白企身。
3. 另備一個碗放入蛋黃,菜油和水,輕輕發至混和。將步驟1的材料逐步加入,用打蛋器打至變成沒有結粒的黏黏粉漿。
4. 將步驟2的蛋白分次卷入粉漿中,輕輕的混合至見不到有蛋白泡泡。
5. 預熱AF至170ºC*,3分鐘。
6. 將粉漿倒入雪芳蛋糕模內,約8成滿。放入AF*,170ºC 20分鐘,後轉160ºC 8分鐘。用牙籤插入蛋糕,沒粉漿黏著便熟了。
7. 將蛋糕倒扣放涼。脫模。
8. 切件配合日式紅豆和忌廉同吃。


Have a Green-tea Day! 

Green Tea Chiffon Cake

75g Cake Flour
12g Matcha Powder
3 Egg Whites
80g Sugar (use 60g for a less sweet version)
3 Egg Yolks
40ml Vegetable Oil
60ml Water

1. Mix cake flour with matcha powder and sift through.
2. Put egg whites in a clean bowl and whip with a egg beater until foams develop, add 1/3 sugar at a time while whipping until stiff peaks form.
3. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with vegetable oil and water. Add the matcha cake flour mix in Step 1 and beat until the mixture becomes glutinous with no lumps.
4. Add the whipped egg whites from Step 2 into the cake mix in a few batches, carefully fold the egg whites in without over mixing.
5. Preheat AF to 170ºC*
6. Pour the mixture into a chiffon cake mold until 80% full and bake for 20minutes at 170ºC, then 8 minutes at 160ºC. Insert a toothpick into the cake, if no residue is clinging onto the toothpick, the cake is cooked.
7. Turn it upside down and let cool. Remove the mold.
8. Serve with Fresh Cream and Azuki Red Beans.

(* If using a conventional oven, preheat to 180ºC and bake for 30 minutes. Since the temperature varies among different sizes and brand of ovens, please do make the appropriate adjustment)

Have a Green-tea Day! 

Monday, May 18, 2015

COOK - 薩摩芋(日本蕃薯)布甸 Japanese Sweet Potato Pudding

鹿児島最旺的一條街叫天文館通,街上中下段都有賣不同薩摩芋的副產品,有最著名嘅蕃薯撻,蕃薯乾,蕃薯和菓子,mochi之至 KitKat都有蕃薯味嘅。九州嘅蕃薯係日本最出名,最甜,所以大家都唔怕放屁,人人食蕃薯,連日本酒Sake都有用蕃薯釀製。




薩摩芋(日本蕃薯)布甸 (4人份 - Le Creuset Large Ramekins 4個) 

魚膠粉 5g
熱水 3湯匙
日本蕃薯 100g (去皮切小粒)
牛奶 300ml
忌廉 90ml
50g (已少甜,喜歡甜的可加至60g)
已打起至70% soft peak的忌廉 20g
日本蕃薯薄片 4-8片裝飾用  (不用去皮)
水 100ml

1. 將魚膠粉溶於熱水中,備用。

2. 在一個小鍋內放入已切小粒的日本蕃薯,牛奶,忌廉和糖,用小火煮至日本蕃薯變軟身,約20分鐘。

3. 倒入步驟1的魚膠粉溶液,拌勻關火。

4. 將蕃薯牛奶溶液放入攪拌機打至滑身(不用太久,否則吃不到粒粒蕃薯)然後加入已打起至70% soft peak的忌廉。

5. 將布甸材料分別倒入4個小容器內,放涼放入雪櫃雪3小時以上至凝固。

6. 將切成薄片的蕃薯跟2茶匙糖及100ml水用小火同煮約15分鐘,直至變軟熟透。放涼,當布甸凝固後放上表面裝飾即成。


Sweet Potato Pudding (Serves 4) 

5g Gelatin 
3 tbsp Hot Water 
100g Japanese Sweet Potato (peeled & diced)
300ml Milk 
90ml Cream 
50g Sugar 
20g Cream that whipped to soft peak 
4-8 pcs Japanese Sweet Potato Slices for garnish (unpeeled)
2 tsp Sugar 
100ml Water 

1. Melt gelatin in the hot water and stir well, set aside

2. In a small pot, put the diced sweet potato, milk, cream and sugar in it. Cook over low heat until sweet potatoes softened, about 20 minutes. 

3. Add the gelatin mixture in step 1 to the milk mixture, stir well and mix thoroughly. Turn off heat. 

4. Pour the sweet potato milk mixture in a blender and blend till smooth. (It's not necessary to blend for too long, or you cannot taste the tiny bits of sweet potatoes) Add the cream that has been whipped to soft peak.

5. Fill 4 ramekins with the liquid and place in the fridge until set and chilled.  About 3 hours.

6. Cook the sweet potato slices with 2 tsp sugar and 100ml water, simmer under low heat for 15 minutes or until cooked and softened, let cool. Garnish on top of pudding when the pudding is set.

Have a sweet day!

Friday, May 15, 2015

COOK - 南瓜忌廉湯 Cream of Pumpkin Soup

南瓜嚟講並唔係我鍾意嘅食物,不過唔可以唔鍾意就唔食,間中食下先均衡營養。買咗半個日本南瓜返嚟,切片放入Airfryer roast 5分鐘,再加少少海鹽,又幾好味喎。可能我之前對佢有誤會喇。。。


南瓜忌廉湯 (2人份)

洋蔥 1/2個 (切小粒)
南瓜 去皮後~300g (切小粒)
海鹽 1/2茶匙
忌廉 250ml
牛奶 600ml
雞湯 150ml
薑茸 2茶匙
百里香 1條
迷迭香 1/2條
乾義大利芫荽 少許(裝飾用)

1. 湯鍋內加入少許橄欖油,將洋蔥粒炒香,放入南瓜粒和鹽同炒2分鐘。
2. 加入忌廉和牛奶入鍋內煮滾。放入百里香和迷迭香葉用中小火煮約15分鐘。
3. 當南瓜煮至變軟便把湯放入攪拌機內打至變滑。倒回湯鍋內,加入薑茸和雞湯拌勻煮滾。
4. 最後加入鹽調味,放入湯碗內再灑上乾義大利芫荽裝飾。

Cream of Pumpkin Soup (Serves 2)

1/2 Onion (minced)
300g Pumpkin after peeled (finely diced)
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
250ml Cream
600ml Milk
150ml Chicken Stock
2 tsp Grated Ginger
1 stalk Thyme
1/2 stalk Rosemary
Dried Italian Parsley for garnish

1. Add a little olive oil in a stock pot, fry the onion until golden, add diced pumpkin and salt and stir fry for 2 minutes. 
2. Add cream and milk and let boil. Then add the leaves of thyme and needles of the rosemary and simmer for 15 minutes. 
3. Once the pumpkins are cooked and soft, blend the soup in a blender until smooth. Put back in the stock pot, add ginger and chicken stock, stir well and let boil.
4. Adjust seasoning with salt, serve on a soup plate/bowl, garnish with dried parsley.

Monday, May 11, 2015

COOK - 泰式香茅魚露燒雞脾配椰青飯 Thai-Style Lemongrass Chicken with Coconut Water Rice


剛好有剩低嘅香茅,就做泰式香茅魚露燒雞脾喇。咁成餐飯為咗統一為泰式,所以飯就亂咁創作用椰青水煲,又幾清香喎。另外再加碟菜,就簡單炒個鹹魚通菜,咁全晚個theme就consistent 喇!

泰式香茅魚露燒雞脾配椰青飯 (2人份)

雞脾 4隻 (買多咗2隻翼因為想食,但其實太多)
香茅茸 3湯匙 (約5支香茅)
魚露 2湯匙
黑糖 1茶匙
青檸 1粒

1. 鮮香茅切頭切尾,除去較硬的外層,用刀背將白色部份拍扁,然後切成幼片。加1湯匙植物油放入攪拌機打至變成香茅茸。
2. 雞脾用香茅茸,魚露醃好,放入雪櫃醃2小時。
3. Airfryer預熱200ºC,3分鐘。
4. 臨炸前將雞表面塗上黑糖,為求令炸完顏色更美,另外黑糖是蔗糖,我覺得跟香茅味道很襯。
5. 將雞放入Airfryer 200ºC 10分鐘,然後 150ºC 10分鐘
6. 上碟前唧點青檸汁就食得!


米 2碗
椰青水 適量
鹽 1茶匙

1. 如正常煲飯一樣,只是用椰青水代替水煲飯,由於椰青水有一點甜,加1茶匙鹽balance返。(因為多了一點點香茅,也加了2茶匙進去)
2. 煲熟,就食得。有一點點椰香又無椰奶咁膩。

Thai Styled Lemongrass Chicken with Coconut Water Rice (Serves 2)

Lemongrass Chicken:
4 Chicken Thighs 
3 tbsp grated Lemongrass (about 5 fresh lemongrass)
2 tbsp Fish Sauce
1 tsp Black Cane Sugar
1 Lime

1. In making the grated lemongrass, remove the top, bottom and tough outer layer of the stalk, and bruise the white part, mince it finely. Place the lemongrass in a blender with 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and blend until fine. 
2. Marinate the chicken thighs with the lemongrass and fish sauce and let sit in the fridge for 2 hours.  
3. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes.
4. Just prior to frying, marinate the surface of the chicken with black cane sugar, as it would give a better color to the chicken and in my opinion, the flavor of the cane sugar matches the lemongrass well. 
5. Fry the chicken in the Airfryer at 200ºC for 10 minutes, then turn to 150ºC for another 10 minutes. 
6. Drizzle with some lime juice before serving.

Coconut Water Rice:

2 servings of rice
Coconut Water
1 tsp Salt

1. Just like how you usually steam the rice, but replacing water with coconut water, and add 1 tsp of salt in it to balance out the flavor. (Since I have made too much lemongrass, I added  a little (2 tsp) in it too)
2. When the rice is cooked, serve on a plate. 

An additional plate of veggies - Morning Glory with Salted Fish to match with the whole Thai theme of the night

Saturday, May 9, 2015

COOK - 港式焗豬扒飯 Pork Chop with Fried Rice in Tomato Sauce Hong Kong-Style


有日因事要去長沙灣,路過一個小小菜檔,種類唔多,有些本地種的蔬果,樣子不美麗,但新鮮。在可以嘅情況下,我都希望幫襯小店當對本地小生意的支持。價錢很平,買了幾種菜,蕃茄都買了兩袋。返屋企試吃了一個蕃茄,有點青青的味道,不太好吃,就聯想到用來做汁最好。One leads to another,就諗到自己整個港式焗豬扒飯食喇。


港式焗豬扒飯 (2人份)

豬扒 4塊
糖 2茶匙
白胡椒粉 2茶匙
鹽 2 茶匙
豆粉 1湯匙

蕃茄 5個 (4個做汁, 1個開四備用)
洋蔥 ½ 個 (切成小片)
蕃茄膏 1湯匙
糖 2茶匙
鹽 1茶匙
巴馬臣芝士碎 適量

雞蛋 2隻
冷飯 2碗

1. 用刀背將豬扒拍鬆,將豬扒跟調味料混合好,放入雪櫃醃半小時。
2. 製作鮮蕃茄汁要先將蕃茄去皮。方法是煲一煲滾水,用刀將蕃茄底部𠝹一個十字,放入滾水內,2分鐘左右皮就會翻起來,這時隔水放涼才除去蕃茄皮。
3. 將去皮蕃茄切成小粒,放入小煲內煮滾,然後收慢火開蓋煮約30分鐘。剩下的一個蕃茄開4份,洋蔥切小片,加入蕃茄汁內再煮5分鐘。加入蕃茄膏及糖,鹽 調味。
4. 準備炒飯。燒熱煎鍋下油,打入2隻蛋,不斷攪拌至凝固變成細片。放入飯拌勻及炒至飯鬆散成一粒粒,下鹽及胡椒調味。將飯放入焗爐耐熱容器內。
5. 用 Airfryer 200ºC 7 分鐘將豬扒烤熟至金黃色。取出切件,放上飯面。將步驟3的蕃茄汁倒上面。加上幾片巴馬臣芝士在頂。
6. 預熱焗爐至180ºC, 放入整個豬扒飯,焗約 5 分鐘或直至芝士溶化。
7. 原盤上桌,熱辣辣的港式焗豬扒飯完成!

Pork Chop with Fried Rice in Tomato Sauce Hong Kong-Style

The Pork
4 Pork Chops
2 tsp Sugar
2 tsp White Pepper
2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Corn Starch
1-2 tbsp Water

The Sauce
5 Tomatoes (4 skinless for sauce, 1 for garnish)
½ Onion (chopped to small squares)
1 tbsp Tomato Paste
2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
Chopped Parmesan Cheese

The Fried Rice
2 Eggs
2 Bowls of Old Rice

1. Use the back of a knife to tenderize the pork chops. Mix the marinade and rub through the pork shops, let sit in the fridge for half an hour.
2. To make the sauce, boil a pot of hot water. Use a knife to slice a cross at the bottom of each of 4 tomatoes, set aside the extra one. Place the 4 tomatoes in the boiling hot water, after 2 minutes you’ll see the skins start peeling. Drain and let cool, then peel off the skins of the tomatoes.
3. Finely chop the skinless tomatoes into small dices, place in a saucepan. Once it starts boiling, turn to low heat and let simmer for 30 minutes. Cut the remaining tomato into 4 slices, and dice the onion. Add to the tomato sauce and cook for another 5 minutes, add tomato paste, season with salt and sugar to taste.
4. For the fried rice, in a hot pan, heat some oil and crack 2 eggs, stirring consistently until the eggs are set and become small pieces, add rice and stir well.  Cook until rice is hot. Season with salt and pepper if needed. Place the rice in an oven-safe dish.
5. Use an airfryer to cook the pork chop at 200ºC for 7 minutes. Once ready, slice into strips and place on top of the rice. Pour the tomato sauce in Step 3 on top and add a few slices of parmesan cheese as garnish.
6. Place the whole oven-safe dish into the oven that has been preheated to 180ºC, bake for 5 minutes or until cheese are melted and dish is hot.
7. Serve hot directly on the dish.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

COOK - 薑蔥砵酒焗蠔 Pan-seared Oysters in Port Wine

實情是我諗咗2年,終於都買咗新玩具 - Airfryer! 因為我本來有一個電炸鍋,但每次要用好多油,油隔完又唔放得耐,搞到用開嗰期成日食炸嘢食到喉嚨痛,於是就下定決心掉咗個電炸鍋買咗Airfryer!






蔬菜油 適量
薑片 10片
蔥 4條 (切段)
大蔥 1/2條 (斜切片)
急凍日本刺身生蠔 20隻 (或美國桶蠔 10隻)
薄口醬油 2湯匙 (或一般醬油1湯匙 + 1湯匙水)
砵酒 100ml
糖 2茶匙

1. Airfryer 預熱200ºC,3分鐘
2. 將薑片,蔥,大蔥切好。另醬油,砵酒,糖混合好備用。
3. 直接將急凍蠔不用解凍放入Airfryer 200ºC,5分鐘*。中途搖一搖個鍋免黐底。
4. 將Skillet燒到火紅火熱,加油,將薑片,蔥,大蔥爆香至微焦。
5. 把Airfryer內的蠔倒入Skillet中,再倒入砵酒醬油,這時立刻快手拌勻,應該很快醬汁便會caramelize,變成微黏狀態,直接熱辣辣上檯,開飯!


Pan-seared Oysters in Port Wine


Vegetable Oil
10 Thin Slices of Ginger
4 Green Onion (Cut in 8cm length)
1/2 Leek (Slice diagonally)
20 Frozen Kagoshima Oysters (or 10 Bottled Fresh Oysters)
2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce (or 1 tbsp Soy Sauce + 1 tbsp Water)
100ml Port Wine
2 tsp Sugar

1. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes
2. Prepare the ginger, green onion and leek. Mix the soy sauce, port and sugar and set aside. 
3. Place the frozen oysters directly into the Airfryer at 200ºC for 5 minutes*。Shake the tray midway. 
4. Heat the skillet until it's very very hot, add oil. Then sear the ginger, green onion and leek until they are lightly browned. 
5. Put the cooked oysters in the Airfryer into the skillet, then pour the Port and Soy mixture. Stir quickly to allow the sauce to cover the surfaces of the oysters. The sauce should be caramelized very quickly. Serve directly on the skillet to enjoy this sizzling hot dish. 

*Since I am new to Airfryer, I am not sure how long it takes to airfry the bottled fresh oysters, I guess it takes around 3-4 minutes under 200ºC, as long as the surface is golden and the oysters bulge. If you do not have an Airfryer, then you'll need to deep fry the oysters in oil the traditional way.

Friday, May 1, 2015

COOK - 涼拌黑木耳 Black Fungus in Vinegar and Chili



材料: (4人份)
乾黑木耳 (一把手,約15g)
芫荽 一小束
熟油 1湯匙
蒜頭 3-4瓣 (切碎)
浙醋 4湯匙
糖 1-1/2茶匙
醬油 1湯匙
麻油 1
辣椒 2隻(切粒,怕辣的可去耔)

1. 先煲一大煲熱水,滾後熄火,放入乾黑木耳浸發約30分鐘,隔水。
2. 再將黑木耳放入冰水內浸泡至涼,隔水。
3. 燒熱熟油
4. 將調味料全部混合,灒入滾油拌勻。
5. 把調料與黑木耳拌勻,放入芫荽即可。

Black Fungus in Vinegar and Chili
Ingredients: (Serves 4)
A handful of Dried Black Fungus (~15g)
A small bunch of Parsley
1 tbsp Heated Oil
3-4 Cloves Garlic (minced)
4 tbsp Vinegar
1-1/2 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Sesame Oil
2 Chili (chopped,deseed to reduce spiciness)

1. Boil a big pot of hot water and turn off the heat. Put the black fungus in it and let soak for 30 minutes until soften. Drain. 
2. Place the black fungus in ice water to cool down. Drain. 
3. Heat the Oil
4. Mix all the ingredients of the marinade, pour hot oil into the mixture. 
5. Mix the marinade to the black fungus, stir well and garnish with parsley. 

COOK - Frittata with a hint of Mexican Flavor

今天的天氣不錯,早上醒來有點要舞動的感覺,於是便打開MOOV Playlist 內"At Home"category 睇睇有乜啱心情,發現了這個Latino Cooking Menu 的Playlist,感覺良好,於是邊打開雪櫃,邊檢視有什麼可做午餐的食材。有New Potato,青椒,粟米,Leftover本菇少少,蛋剩返一隻,朋友送嘅Chili Cheese。好,咁就即刻 "I like it like that~~~" (扭pat pat)

材料: (1人份)
新薯 2-3個 (切薄片)
洋蔥 1/4個 (切粒)
青椒 1/2條 (去耔切粒)
粟米 2湯匙
本菇 8條(optional。我純萃想清埋啲Leftover)
海鹽 1茶匙
紅椒粉 1茶匙
乾紅椒 1/2茶匙
乾牛至 1/2茶匙
蛋 1-2隻 (打散)
Chili Cheese 30g (sliced)
鮮磨黑胡椒 少許
乾芫荽 少許

1. 先用一個大一點的平底鍋燒熱加入橄欖油,將新薯片平放煎香,然後再反轉煎香另一面。
2. 在反轉煎香新薯的時候便加入洋蔥,青椒,粟米和本菇。然後灑上調料海鹽,紅椒粉,乾紅椒及乾牛至炒勻。
3. 將蛋打散再混入芝士碎在蛋汁內備用
4. 把一隻小一點但有深度的煎鍋(或鐵板16cm)燒熱加油,將步驟2的材料倒入鋪平,然後加入步驟3的蛋汁燒至蛋熟。想表面微焦可放入200ºC焗爐2-3分鐘,或用火槍輕燒表面。
5. 最後加上鮮磨黑胡椒和乾芫荽,原盤上檯,熱辣辣,好像吃Pizza一樣切成三角形一份份吃!

 Frittata with a hint of Mexican Flavor 

Ingredients: (Serves 1)
2-3 New Potatoes (thinly sliced)
1/4 Onion (diced)
1/2 Green Pepper (deseeded and diced)
2 tbsp Sweet Corn
8 Marmoreal Mushrooms (optional。it's there because I wanted to clear up my leftovers)
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Dried Chili
1/2tsp Oregano
1-2 Eggs (beaten)
30g Chili Cheese (sliced)
Ground Pepper
Dried Parsley

1. First, use a bigger frying pan around 26cm to heat some olive oil. Place new potato slices side by side and pan fry them until golden. Flip to the other side. 
2. Once the potatoes have been flipped, you can add onion, green pepper, corn and mushrooms to the pan. Then season with salt, paprika, dried chili and oregano.
3. Beat the eggs and put the sliced cheese into the egg mixture. 
4. Prepare a smaller pan with some depth (or like me, I used a 16cm hot pan), heat some olive oil and put ingredients in Step 2 into the pan. Then add the egg mixture in Step 3, cook until the eggs are set. If you want to have a golden crust on top, preheat an oven to 200ºC and broil it for 2-3 minutes. Or use a torch burner like I do, lightly toast the surface. 
5. Garnish with ground pepper and dried parsley, serve the hot pan directly on the table and slice it like a pizza! Yum!