Meals on a Loveseat

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

COOK - 薑蔥砵酒焗蠔 Pan-seared Oysters in Port Wine

實情是我諗咗2年,終於都買咗新玩具 - Airfryer! 因為我本來有一個電炸鍋,但每次要用好多油,油隔完又唔放得耐,搞到用開嗰期成日食炸嘢食到喉嚨痛,於是就下定決心掉咗個電炸鍋買咗Airfryer!






蔬菜油 適量
薑片 10片
蔥 4條 (切段)
大蔥 1/2條 (斜切片)
急凍日本刺身生蠔 20隻 (或美國桶蠔 10隻)
薄口醬油 2湯匙 (或一般醬油1湯匙 + 1湯匙水)
砵酒 100ml
糖 2茶匙

1. Airfryer 預熱200ºC,3分鐘
2. 將薑片,蔥,大蔥切好。另醬油,砵酒,糖混合好備用。
3. 直接將急凍蠔不用解凍放入Airfryer 200ºC,5分鐘*。中途搖一搖個鍋免黐底。
4. 將Skillet燒到火紅火熱,加油,將薑片,蔥,大蔥爆香至微焦。
5. 把Airfryer內的蠔倒入Skillet中,再倒入砵酒醬油,這時立刻快手拌勻,應該很快醬汁便會caramelize,變成微黏狀態,直接熱辣辣上檯,開飯!


Pan-seared Oysters in Port Wine


Vegetable Oil
10 Thin Slices of Ginger
4 Green Onion (Cut in 8cm length)
1/2 Leek (Slice diagonally)
20 Frozen Kagoshima Oysters (or 10 Bottled Fresh Oysters)
2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce (or 1 tbsp Soy Sauce + 1 tbsp Water)
100ml Port Wine
2 tsp Sugar

1. Preheat Airfryer to 200ºC for 3 minutes
2. Prepare the ginger, green onion and leek. Mix the soy sauce, port and sugar and set aside. 
3. Place the frozen oysters directly into the Airfryer at 200ºC for 5 minutes*。Shake the tray midway. 
4. Heat the skillet until it's very very hot, add oil. Then sear the ginger, green onion and leek until they are lightly browned. 
5. Put the cooked oysters in the Airfryer into the skillet, then pour the Port and Soy mixture. Stir quickly to allow the sauce to cover the surfaces of the oysters. The sauce should be caramelized very quickly. Serve directly on the skillet to enjoy this sizzling hot dish. 

*Since I am new to Airfryer, I am not sure how long it takes to airfry the bottled fresh oysters, I guess it takes around 3-4 minutes under 200ºC, as long as the surface is golden and the oysters bulge. If you do not have an Airfryer, then you'll need to deep fry the oysters in oil the traditional way.

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