Meals on a Loveseat

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

COOK - 用Airfryer做抹茶雪芳蛋糕 Green Tea Chiffon Cake

在櫃頂唔覺意揾到一個Chiffon Cake 模,於是就冒住失敗嘅危險,勇往直前整一個放入AF焗!

By the way, 我的AF是大size,整到5吋模,唔肯定細size放唔放得到,不過我放入去時仲有好多位,應該OK的。(剛收到朋友反映鐵模透氣位高得滯入唔到AF,我用的是紙模,可在$12店或ccsuper買到)


Airfryer 抹茶雪芳蛋糕 (5吋雪芳蛋糕模)

低筋粉 75g 
抹茶粉 12g 
蛋白 3隻
糖 80g (少甜放60g)
蛋黃 3隻
菜油 40ml
水 60ml

1. 低筋粉和抹茶粉拌勻,過篩 。
2. 蛋白放入碗內,用電動打蛋器打至起泡變白色。分3次加入糖繼續打至蛋白企身。
3. 另備一個碗放入蛋黃,菜油和水,輕輕發至混和。將步驟1的材料逐步加入,用打蛋器打至變成沒有結粒的黏黏粉漿。
4. 將步驟2的蛋白分次卷入粉漿中,輕輕的混合至見不到有蛋白泡泡。
5. 預熱AF至170ºC*,3分鐘。
6. 將粉漿倒入雪芳蛋糕模內,約8成滿。放入AF*,170ºC 20分鐘,後轉160ºC 8分鐘。用牙籤插入蛋糕,沒粉漿黏著便熟了。
7. 將蛋糕倒扣放涼。脫模。
8. 切件配合日式紅豆和忌廉同吃。


Have a Green-tea Day! 

Green Tea Chiffon Cake

75g Cake Flour
12g Matcha Powder
3 Egg Whites
80g Sugar (use 60g for a less sweet version)
3 Egg Yolks
40ml Vegetable Oil
60ml Water

1. Mix cake flour with matcha powder and sift through.
2. Put egg whites in a clean bowl and whip with a egg beater until foams develop, add 1/3 sugar at a time while whipping until stiff peaks form.
3. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with vegetable oil and water. Add the matcha cake flour mix in Step 1 and beat until the mixture becomes glutinous with no lumps.
4. Add the whipped egg whites from Step 2 into the cake mix in a few batches, carefully fold the egg whites in without over mixing.
5. Preheat AF to 170ºC*
6. Pour the mixture into a chiffon cake mold until 80% full and bake for 20minutes at 170ºC, then 8 minutes at 160ºC. Insert a toothpick into the cake, if no residue is clinging onto the toothpick, the cake is cooked.
7. Turn it upside down and let cool. Remove the mold.
8. Serve with Fresh Cream and Azuki Red Beans.

(* If using a conventional oven, preheat to 180ºC and bake for 30 minutes. Since the temperature varies among different sizes and brand of ovens, please do make the appropriate adjustment)

Have a Green-tea Day! 

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