熟香蕉 2條低筋粉 150g
泡打粉 4g
蘇打粉 1g
鹽 1小撮
無鹽牛油 80g (已溶)
糖 80g (少甜版,可加至100g)
雞蛋 2隻
烹調用黑朱古力粒 40g (隔熱水座溶)
1. 將香蕉切片壓成茸
2. 低筋粉,泡打粉,蘇打粉和鹽混合過篩
3. 在一大碗內把糖加入溶牛油內,用電動打蛋器打勻。再逐一加入雞蛋。
4. 把香蕉茸和麵粉加入步驟3的材料內,混合至沒有粉粒。
5. 黑朱古力粒放入盛器內隔熱水座溶,將步驟4內之1/3粉漿與朱古力漿混合。
6. 焗盤噴油,先倒入一半黃色粉漿,加入一半朱古力漿,再倒入其餘黃色粉漿,最後再加入剩下的朱古力漿。用刀垂直在粉漿內輕輕畫成旋風狀。
7. Airfryer預熱150ºC,把焗盤放入焗45分鐘。如插入牙籤拿起沒有粉漿黏著便熟了!
8. 在架上放涼即可。
Banana Chocolate Swirl Cake
2 Ripe Bananas (mashed)150g Cake Flour
4g Baking Powder
1g Baking Soda
A pinch of Salt
80g melted unsalted Butter
80g Sugar (this is a less sweet version, you can add up to100g)
2 Eggs
40g Dark Chocolate Drops (melted)
1. slice and mash the bananas
2. mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set aside.
3. In a big bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Then add eggs one at a time.
4. Add the mashed banana and the flour mixture on low speed until just combined.
5. Melt the dark chocolate in a hot water bath. Add 1/3 of the batter in Step 4 to the chocolate.
6. Grease the loaf pan with butter, first pour half of the batter into the pan, then half of the chocolate. And again, the remaining batter and the chocolate alternatively. Swirl the batters together by inserting a knife up and back 4-5 times.
7. Pre-heat Airfryer to 150ºC. Bake for 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes clean.
8. Let cool on a wired rack and serve.
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