不過紅菜頭的營養價值真的很高:高鈣,鐵,維他命A同C,高纖維,0 脂肪,降血壓,最重要是抗養化,保年輕都靠它了!
Beetroot 紅菜頭原來除了可以用來做沙律之外,還可以做蛋糕呢!利用Nigel Slater 的recipe 改一下,再用Airfryer焗了這個“Beetroot Chocolate Cake”,外面香脆裏面又soft又moist,好好吃啊!隻手紅一下也沒所謂了!
紅菜頭 130克
70% 黑朱古力粒 100克
無鹽牛油 100克
意式濃咖啡 40毫升
低筋麵粉 70克
泡打粉 1/2茶匙
可可粉 1湯匙
蛋黃 2隻
蛋白 2隻
糖 90克
1. 紅菜頭去皮,放入慢磨榨汁機,榨成汁和渣。取120克渣和10克汁混合成糊狀。(沒有慢磨榨汁機的可連皮放入水中煮30分鐘,去皮切粒再放入攪拌機攪爛後使用)
2. 煲內放熱水,隔水放上一大碗,將朱古力放入碗內座溶。倒入熱的意式濃咖啡。
3. 牛油切粒放入朱古力中,離水放好。待牛油溶化後加入紅菜頭。
5. 蛋黃和蛋白分開盛放。將蛋黃打至起泡,混入朱古力漿中拌勻。
6. 蛋白分次放入糖用打蛋器打至企身。
7. 將蛋白慢慢拌入朱古力漿中,再拌入步驟4的麵粉至溶化。
8. 預熱AF至180ºC。AF焗盤底部放牛油紙和噴油,倒入朱古力漿。
9. AF 180ºC 焗35分鐘,拿出放涼。吃時配鮮忌廉同吃更美味。
Beetroot Chocolate Cake
130g Beetroot (blended to become a paste)
100g 70% Dark Chocolate Drops
100g Unsalted Butter
40ml Espresso Coffee
70g Cake Flour
1/2tsp Baking Powder
1tbsp Cocoa Powder
2 Egg Yolks
2 Egg Whiles
90g Sugar
1. Peel the beetroot and using a slow juicer to extract the juice and pulp. Take 120g of the pulp and 10g juice, mix them up to become a paste. (If you do not have a slow juicer, you can cook them in hot water for 30 minutes with skins, then peel and diced, and put into a blender).
2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl suspended over a pot of shallow hot water, pour espresso.
3. Dice the butter and put into the chocolate mixture, remove from heat. When the butter is melted, stir well and add the beetroot.
4. Mix flour, baking powder and cocoa powder and sift through.
5. Separate the egg yolk and white. Beat the egg yolk until frothy, stir into the chocolate mix.
6. Beat the egg white with a hand mixer, add sugar and work until it becomes a soft peak.
7. Carefully fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture, then fold in the powder in Step 4.
8. Preheat Airfryer to 180ºC. Line the bottom of the tin with a baking paper, and grease the tin. Fill the batter into the pan.
9. Cook with Airfryer at 180ºC for 35 minutes, let cool and best served with fresh cream.
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