Meals on a Loveseat

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

COOK - 無牛油日式蜂蜜蛋糕カステラ Japanese Honey Castella



牛奶  50ml
蜜糖  25ml
蛋白  3隻
蛋黃  3隻
糖  110g (少甜版,可加至135g)
高筋粉  100g
長方形模具:10cm x 17cm x 5cm

1. 將牛奶和蜜糖放入小煲內用小火煮暖至蜜糖溶化。離火備用。

2. 蛋白用電動打蛋器打至7-8成企身,將100g糖分3次混入蛋白中,打至變成全白色企身。
3. 另一碗內將剩餘的10g糖和蛋黃混合,打至起泡。
4. 將蛋黃混入牛奶蜜糖中拌勻。
5. 輕輕將步驟2的蛋白混入牛奶糊中。
6. 高筋粉過篩,輕輕地摺入牛奶糊中,直至完全混合,沒有結塊。
7. Airfryer預熱至160ºC。長方形模具噴油,將麵糊倒入模中。
8. 用160ºC焗30分鐘。(如用焗爐可試160ºC 40分鐘,當然焗爐不同類別,大小或品牌的溫度都有所差異,請自行調節。)
9. 準備一張焗爐紙放在平面上,把蛋糕從爐內取出倒轉,蛋糕面在焗爐紙上,底向上。用重物壓著底表面放涼。
10. 放涼後脫模,切走左右兩面多出的蛋糕,形成一條長方條。再切成同等厚度的蛋糕片。可用保鮮紙包著放入雪櫃,保持濕度,風味更佳。

《Japanese-Style Honey Castella》

50ml Milk 
25ml Honey
3 Egg Whites
3 Egg Yolks
110g Sugar for less sweet version (or add up to 135g)
100g Bread Flour
Rectangular Mold Size: 10cm x 17cm x 5cm

1. Heat milk and honey over low heat until honey melted. Turn off heat and set aside.
2. Put egg whites in a clean bowl and whisk with an electric hand mixer until stiff. Add 100g sugar, 1/3 at a time while whisking until stiff peak forms.
3. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with the remaining 10g sugar until frothy.
4. Add egg yolk to the milk and honey, mix well.
5. Fold the egg white into the milk and honey mix gently.
6. Add sifted bread flour into the mix and fold until no lumps.
7. Preheat Airfryer to 160ºC*. Grease mold and pour the mixture into the mold and bake for 30 minutes at 160ºC.
8. Turn mold upside down on a baking paper and use something heavy to compress onto the bottom of the mold. Let cool. 
9. Remove the mold. When serving, slice the sides, then into pieces. Now you have your Japanese Honey Castella ready.

Useful Tips:
* For those using an oven, you can try baking at 160ºC for 40 minutes. However, oven sizes, brands and types do vary in temperature, please make the appropriate adjustment. 
1. Use a toothpick to pinch into the cake, if no residue is clinging onto the toothpick, the cake is cooked.

2. For the remaining castella, wrap with plastic wraps and place in the fridge to retain moistness. 

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