Meals on a Loveseat

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

COOK - 乾煸四季豆 Fried Peas with Minced Pork Sichuan Style

喜歡吃乾煸四季豆,但不喜歡有些酒家炒得不夠乾,咬下去有“嘖嘖”聲的感覺。自己不用油泡,只用炒的也可以做到夠鑊氣的乾煸 - 只需要一隻黑裡的鑄鐵鑊!


四季豆  300克 (去兩端的根,切成5cm小段)
攪碎豬肉 100克
醬油  1湯匙 + 1茶匙
糖  2茶匙 + 2茶匙
白胡椒粉  1茶匙
麻油  1茶匙
乾蔥  2粒 (切碎)
蒜頭  2瓣 (切碎)
蝦乾  10克 (切碎)
炸菜  20克 (切碎)
指天椒  2隻 (去耔,切粒)
辣椒油  1茶匙

1. 黑裡鑄鐵鑊下油燒熱,放入抹乾水份的四季豆,以中火炒至表面變青綠色,轉為中小火蓋上蓋煮15分鐘,中途不時翻動,小心打開鑊蓋時的水不要掉下去。離鑊備用。
2. 在煮四季豆的同時,將攪碎豬肉以醬油,糖,白胡椒粉和麻油醃好。
3. 在步驟1的同一鑊內,下油將乾蔥,蒜頭和蝦乾爆香,加入豬肉碎不停炒動至肉散開熟透,並肉汁煮乾。放入炸菜粒,將四季豆回鑊,加入1茶匙醬油和2茶匙糖,辣椒油及指天椒粒以中大火爆炒1-2分鐘。上碟即成。

Fried Peas with Minced Pork Sichuan Style

300g French Peas (Peel the tough ends and cut into 5cm slices) 
100g Ground Pork
1 tbsp + 1 tsp Soy Sauce
2 tsp + 2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp White Pepper Powder
1 tsp Sesame Oil
2 Shallots (minced)
2 Cloves Garlic (minced)
10g Dried Shrimp (minced)
20g Mustard Tuber (minced)
2 Chili Peppers (deseeded, chopped)
1 tsp Chili Oil

1. In a cast iron pan or wok with black ceramics coating, add oil and fry the peas in medium heat until they turn glossy green. Turn to medium-low heat and cover with a lid, cook for 15 minutes, stir occasionally. Take the beans out and set aside. 
2. While you were cooking the peas, you can marinate the pork with soy sauce, sugar, white pepper and sesame oil
3. By using the same pan/wok in Step 1, put some oil and fry the shallot, garlic and dried shrimp until golden and aromatic. Add pork and keep stir-frying until the meat are separated and cooked and juice run out dry. Add the mustard tuber and put the cooked peas back into the pan/wok, add the additional 1 tsp of soy sauce and 2 tsp sugar, chili oil and chili pepper and stir-fry on medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes until aromatic. Serve on a plate. Eat hot! 

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