打開雪櫃睇睇有乜可用,唔...有車喱茄,有未用完的Tomato Pasta Sauce, 有Shredded Mozzarella。冰格呢?有肉丸同之前買定備用的虎蝦。好,可以做 Baked fusilli with meat balls and tomato sauce (烤焗蕃茄肉丸螺絲粉) 同埋 Grilled Tiger Prawns( 烤超級無敵巨型虎蝦)。用高速準備先!
1. 先用水勁沖d蝦解凍。同時就切蒜頭和乾蔥。
2. 蝦解凍後將鬚和腳剪走。嘩!好大隻呀! 影張相先
4. 先預熱光波爐 (我家沒有焗爐) 至180度(如有Griller更好,可有燒烤的味道)。由於蝦很新鮮,不想用太多調味將蝦的鮮味蓋過,簡單用蒜茸和乾蔥就好了。煎鍋加入橄欖油燒熱,放入蒜茸和乾蔥碎炒香至金黃色。將蒜茸和乾蔥碎放在蝦身,再灑上煙薰海鹽在全支蝦上,再灑一點橄欖油在面,放入爐內焗約20分鐘。
5. 焗好後先取出蝦,焗爐紙上會有點蝦汁,把蝦汁連同1湯匙牛油放入煎鍋煮熱。如有需要可加點鹽調味。將汁淋上蝦面,再灑上鮮磨黑胡椒和新鮮切碎了的意大利芫荽即成。
在ThreeSixty買,一盒6隻(1kg)。包裝沒有牌子,只有ThreeSixty的label寫著急凍虎蝦。原價$498,我買時特價$398。記得以前在九龍城買過比這個更大的要平均$120隻,差不多大的好似$80-$100。所以這盒有特價算幾抵。食過咁正想再買定儲備,但再去到ThreeSixty時已無貨了... 唯有遲d再睇下買唔買到啦。
RECIPE for Grilled Tiger Prawns:
2-3 Cloves Garlic (finely chopped)
2 Shallots (chopped)
3 Tiger Prawns
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Smoked Sea Salt Flakes
1 tbsp Unsalted Butter
1-2 sprigs Italian Parsley(chopped)
1. Thaw the tiger prawns by placing them under running water.
2. Chop the garlic and shallots
3. Peel and devein the prawns.
4. In a pan, with some olive oil, fry the garlic and shallots until golden brown.
5. Preheat oven to 180C, place fried garlic and shallots on top of the prawns, season with salt and sprinkle with some olive oil.
6. Bake for around 20 minutes. Take out the prawns, there will be some juice on the baking sheet, pour them into a frying pan, add 1 tbsp of butter and cook until hot, season if needed. Pour sauce over prawns and garnish with fresh black pepper and chopped parsley to serve.
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