早一日飯聚過後還早,剛好那個商場有間超市,便走去逛逛。買了半雞,想想用來做什麼菜式好呢?剛又在fb看到朋友去泰國度假的相片,又陽光海灘,又比堅尼,我就包到糭一樣,恨得我牙癢癢!I need a tan!!! 說回正題,很久沒有做泰菜了,就做咖喱雞吧!
泰國紅咖喱醬料 30-35g (怕辣可減少)
椰槳 250ml
車喱茄 10粒 (5粒切半)
菠蘿 100g(切粒)
泰國圓茄 3粒(切半)
檸檬葉 3片
魚露 1-2茶匙
糖 1湯匙
九層塔 2束
紅辣椒 1隻 (切片)
青辣椒 1隻(切片)
米 2碗份量
黃薑粉 1-1/2湯匙
香茅茸 2茶匙
1. 就像平常煮飯般洗米,加水,在煲飯時加入黃薑粉,香茅茸及一點油拌勻,開掣煲飯。(喜歡有味飯可用雞湯代替水)
2. 鍋內加1湯匙油燒熱,加入雞件煎至兩面微焦 (不用全熟,還會在咖喱內煮),夾起雞件備用。
3. 鍋內應還有剩下的油,放入紅咖喱醬料爆香,炒至嗅到香氣加入椰槳煮滾。再加入雞件,車喱茄,菠蘿,泰國圓茄和檸檬葉。煮至熟透。
4. 加入1茶匙魚露和糖試味(咖喱本身已有鹹味,要小心不要一次下太多魚露),如不夠味才再添加魚露。最後放入九層塔和紅青辣椒裝飾。
5. 飯煮好,伴以咖喱。Sawadee Kha~~~
Thai Red Curry with Chicken & Turmeric Rice
1/2 Chicken (chopped)30-35g Red Curry Paste (can be reduced to become less spicy)
250ml Coconut Cream
10 Cherry Tomatos (cut 5 in halves)
100g Pineapple (diced)
3 Thai round eggplants (halved)
3 Kaffir Lime Leaves
1-2tsp Fish Sauce
1tbsp Sugar
Handful of Thai Basil
1 Red Chili (sliced)
1 Green Chili (sliced)
200g Rice
1-1/2tbsp Turmeric Powder
2tsp Lemongrass (grated)
1. Just like how you used to steam rice in a rice cooker, but adding turmeric powder and lemongrass and a little oil, and stir well just before pressing the "start" button of your rice cooker. (If you would like a bit more of flavor, you can use chicken stock instead of water to steam the rice)
2. In a pot, add 1 tbsp oil in medium-high heat, add chicken and sear until surface golden. (It does not need to be fully cooked as it will be cooked in the curry later) Take out the chicken and set aside.
3. In the pot, there should be some oil leftover from the chicken, use that oil to fry the red curry paste until aroma develops. Add coconut cream and bring to a boil.
4. Add chicken, cherry tomatoes, pineapple, eggplant and kaffir leaves. Boil until ingredients fully cooked.
5. Add 1tsp of fish sauce and 1 tbsp sugar, taste. If it's not salty enough, add more fish sauce. But since the curry is already salty, do not put the fish sauce all at once!
6. Garnish with Thai basil and red and green chili, and serve with the turmeric rice. Sawadee Kha~~~
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